The Diary Game || 11-June-2024 || Today I went to the market to buy rice and spices

in hive-140292 •  20 days ago 

Assalamu Alaykum

Hope everyone is well I am also fine by the grace of God.

I wake up early in the morning to pray Fajr every day. Then perform ablution and perform the Fajr prayer and recite the Quran. Then read the horoscope. Then wait for the sun to rise. When the sun rises, I pray Salatuddoha and go to sleep again. I wake up very early in the morning so I sleep again. Wake up at 7 am, freshen up and go to the kitchen. I prepare the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Today I cooked noodles I ate it with mudri and shredded banana. After breakfast, I washed the dishes. Then I made the bed and finished all the housework. Then I washed the dirty clothes in the washing machine and let them dry in the sun. Then I had a smoke for lunch. Then I cooked. Today I cooked rice, fish, shrimp curry and badam bharta. After cooking, I cleaned the kitchen.



Then today at noon I went to the market. Mainly went to market to buy polar rice and masala. I bought all kinds of spices. For example, I bought cinnamon, cloves, white cardamom, shahi jeera, black pepper, white pepper and kababchini etc. While coming through the road, I saw a dog sitting on the side of the road. The dog was sitting very comfortably there. Then I came home and took a bath. After the bath, I prayed Zohar prayer. After that we had lunch together. Had lunch and washed the dishes and put everything away. Then I slept.



After waking up in the afternoon, I brought dry clothes. After keeping them in order, I offered the Asr prayer. Then I talked to my brothers and sisters on mobile. Then I waited for Maghrib prayer. In the evening, I prayed the Maghrib prayer. Then I ate two litchi I cut ripe mangoes. Then two boys and I ate ripe mangoes. Then I watched a little drama on mobile. Then my younger sister called on the mobile. I talked with him for some time. Then I prepared dinner. Boiled eggs for my sons. I cut the banana. After that, I offered Isha prayer. After the prayer, I recited the Quran for some time. Then I watched the drama on the mobile lying on the bed.


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