SEC-S14/W5 - Say no to fireworks. For the sake of pleasant company, don't ask questions and never criticize.

in hive-140292 •  8 months ago 


Greetings to everyone, fellow Steemians! It's great to be part of another engaging and informative Theme of Engagement Challenge Season 14 Week 05.

As today, I am excited to share my participation with all of you. Hopefully, my contribution adds value. Wishing everyone the best of luck and love you all!

Do you use fireworks during the year-end holidays? Your reasons

I don't set off fireworks during the year-end holidays, and I don't fancy them either. They're loud and scary for animals 🐶, making them upset and anxious. I prefer quieter celebrations that don't cause distress to pets and wildlife. 🎇

The bright lights and loud blasts of fireworks frightened animals 🦜. Fearful animals such as dogs and cats may attempt to flee. Panicked birds have a tendency to fly into objects, which is bad for them. Let's rejoice without frightening our animal companions! 😱

Even physiologically, animals can be harmed by fireworks sounds. It is possible for birds to abandon their nests, upsetting other animals. Thus, more subdued festivities that ensure everyone's safety and happiness are preferable! 🐯 Let's take good care of our animal companions while we celebrate.


Have you ever noticed the behavior of animals when there is a lot of noise, such as when you are playing fireworks and trumpets?

I have seen our pet, "Toni," get really scared when there is lots of noise like fireworks or loud trumpets. 🐶 He starts trembling and looks very anxious. Sometimes he even hides under the bed or behind the sofa and else place, trying to find a safe spot.

Animals find it difficult when there is a lot of noise. Their lack of understanding causes them to become extremely afraid. While some would whimper and shake, others might run away and hide. It's crucial to provide them with comfort during these noisy moments. 🏠 Let's see to it that our animal friends are secure!


Have you seen any negative effects from using fireworks on animals? Describe

Yes, I have seen some not-so-good stuff happening to animals because of fireworks. Our neighbor's cat got really scared once & ran away. They had a hard time finding her. 🐱 Also, a bird's nest in our garden got abandoned after the loud fireworks and they scared away the birds. 🕊️

Fireworks can cause animals great stress and possibly injury. Wildlife may flee from their homes, and pets may get hurt or run off. It impacts their lives and is difficult for them. 🌳 Let us consider their security over the holiday season!


Say no to fireworks for the sake of the animals because they will suffer.

Let's skip the fireworks to keep our animal buddies safe & happy! 🐾 They get really scared & suffer because of the loud noises. Imagine if it was us feeling that way—it would not be nice, right? So, let's choose quieter ways to celebrate for the sake of our furry friends! 🎉

Not only can birds and other animals become scared, but our pets, such as dogs and cats, also experience anxiety. It's difficult for them, therefore let's celebrate in a more subdued manner to keep them secure and content! 🐶🐱🕊️

Signing off now! Goodbye to everyone and best wishes for SEC Season 14 week 5. Take care, folks!


Goodbye, friends. It's been a pleasure getting to know you all participating in this community. I will miss interacting with all of you, but it is time for me to move on. Take care & I hope to see you all again very soon , Best of Luck .

Good Bye to everyone

All the best

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Your decision to abstain from fireworks for the well-being of animals is commendable. The anecdotes about Toni and the neighbor's cat emphasize the negative impact on pets and wildlife. Let's prioritize the safety and happiness of our animal companions during celebrations. Thanks for posting.

Thanks friend for acknowledging the impact on animals. Let's prioritize their well-being. Farewell!

hello @artist1111

I got the example from your post about the reaction of animals and birds caused by fireworks. You have discussed this topic very nicely in your post. We are causing pain to many animals and people around the joyous moment of time. Those who are doing such workshould understand

It was very nice to read your illustrative post. I hope others who read your post will actually get a lesson. It was very nice. I wish you good luck in this competition. Allah Hafeez.

Thanks for appreciating my post on animal reactions to fireworks. Good luck!

You do not like fireworks and do not use them in any celebration. It is very comfortable for animals. The loud noise of fireworks scares animals. Today, to welcome the new year, many will celebrate with fireworks that are very harmful to the environment and animals.

Let us be aware and alert others to avoid fireworks in celebration.

Happy new year to you dear brother.

Thanks for highlighting the impact of fireworks. Let's celebrate mindfully. Happy New Year!

Hola cariño ☺️☺️😊

Qué bueno que eres de las personas que no usan fuegos artificiales primero porque dañan el ambiente segundo porque dañan a los animales y tercero Porque pueden hacernos daños a nosotros mismos.

Si todas las personas pensarán en esto el mundo fuera mejor y tendríamos más vida más salud y nuestras mascotas no sufrirían.

Saludos exitos y bendiciones para ti

Thanks for valuing environmental care and animal well-being. Wishing you success!

Feliz tarde amigo.
Que lindo es Toni y que bueno que lo ciudas en los momentos de fiestas cuando hay más alboroto y bulla con los fuegos artificiales mi perrita no se aturde debe ser que tiene menos desarrollado la audición o pienso que quizás estaba acostumbrada porque conmigo tiene apenas 6 años porque me la conseguí en condición de calle y la adoptamos Así que no sé cómo reaccionaban antes de vivir en casa con nosotros.
Yo tampoco uso fuegos artificiales para mantener la tranquilidad más ahora que en mi investigación veo todo lo que sufren de los animales.

Saludos hasta pronto 👋

Thanks for caring for Toni and understanding the impact on animals. Farewell!

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hola amigo, feliz noche.

Los fuegos artificiales alteran a los animales y realmente debemos evitar su uso. Lamento que Toni tenga que sufrir a causa de éstos.

Hay que hacer campañas que prohiban el uso de los fuegos artificiales. Las personas pueden celebrar sin recurrir a explosivos que hacen mucho daño.

Le deseo éxito en el desafío.

Saludos cordiales

Thanks for advocating against fireworks for animals. Best wishes on the challenge!

Hola amigo!!

Me alegra que a usted tampoco le guste ni use este tipo de supuesta diversión y que entienda el daño que le causa a nuestros queridos amigos de 4 patas.

También por el hecho de que les causa un efecto muy negativo en ellos como estrés y tención además de ansiedad😔

Buen post amigo te deseo éxito en el concurso.

Thanks for understanding the harm caused to our four-legged friends. Best wishes!


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator08.

Curated by : @harferri

Thank you @harferri for support .

You are from my country and I think people that live in Northern areas mostly don't like such kind of things like Fireworks etc because they live a simple life and a sensible life and I am happy that you are not in favour of using Fireworks and you are clearly saying no to fires as well as you are telling us here that how much Fireworks can cause damage to animals that's why we should take care of animals and should avoid to use such kind of things I wish you good luck in this engagement challenge and I wish you a Happy New Year full of blessings

Walaupun terlihat indah, akan tetapi kembang api benar-benar sangat berbahaya, banyak hewan akan ketakutan karena kerasnya suara dari ledakan kembang api yang membuat mereka akan sangat mudah stres, postingan yang bagus saudara, semoga kita selalu sukses

Hello,hope your day is going well.It's good to know that you don't use fireworks in New Year's celebrations because it has very bad effects on the health of animals and also on the environment.The sound of their noise makes both humans and animals restless.

You have also experienced that the pet dog in your house gets scared when they hear a noise because they don't know what the noise is and they get scared and find a place to hide.

You are right that we can celebrate our celebrations without them so that even animals can live in peace