I explained the different tail positions of cats.

in hive-140292 •  3 months ago 
I love the cat

Hello Everyone ✿
I am @asifhasan from #Bangladesh

hello friends In today's post I will explain to you the various cat tail positions and try to convey what your cat is trying to tell you. I hope you will like this post. I request you to read this post till the end so without further delay let's start.


When your cat holds their tail straight on a leash it means they are happy and confident. You'll often see this tail position when you come home after a long day at work or when a kitten greets its mother. Interestingly, a study conducted by Cameron Biman in 1997 found that cats are more willing to stay in a shape of stilt if it's a tall one. is the tail. But they are very reluctant to approach Sylhet if it is a niche. So the purpose of the request is to indicate that the cat is friendly and wants to interact with you or other cats. If your feline friend appraches you with their tail raised, it's a good time to cuddle or play with your cat.


Wrapping their tail Around You When your cat wraps their tail around you or others, they are trying to show love comfort and affection. The location of this country is basically and symbol of love as people wrap their arms around their loved ones to cuddle. When a cat wraps its tail around another cat's tail, they try to show love in comfort and affection, just as humans wrap their arms around loved ones for a cuddle. A cat may wrap its tail around another cat's tail. This is a sign that the two animals are friendly and have a strong bond. This happens in Persian cats who live together and are best friends.


A Wagging Tail A cat's tail becomes unruly and appears to be biting its entire length. Cats wag their tails when they are very excited, such as when you open a new can of cat food or when you knock on the door after a long day at work. This is a friendly greeting and indicates that That your cat happy lace shaking is accompanied by normal taburine head rubbing and sometimes happy sounds. Most cat owners report that their pets wag their tails before getting food or trips but remember if a cat wags their tail while holding their leash upright and leaning against a tall wall, the cat is signaling by suggestion. Although both female and male cats spray the mixture in their urine, other male cats are more likely to leave marks. They want to let the opposite sex know they are there



A low race of the tail under the body almost indicates that your cat is fearful, anxious or protective. Something in the cat environment is making them uncomfortable, and when the cat holds their tails down the body and between their legs, this is a clear sign that the cat is acting docile or fearful. Similarly, a tail lowered and placed on the ground means a cat is feeling defensive or fearful and may pursue aggressive behavior. In this case it is best to leave your pet alone and give them a nice environment and make sure their surroundings are safe and comfortable before approaching them.


Tail flicking is similar to tail wagging but often involves a lot of tail flicking.Cats flick their tails when they are acknowledging or playing with attention to a toy, as well as when they are mildly depressed or annoyed. Because cats are theirs, watch the subject and check for other body languages. If they are not playing or twitching, the tail movement probably indicates that they are upset.

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