Use"Animal market day in my country (Bangladesh )"

in hive-140292 •  4 months ago 

I am @kuhinoor From Bangladesh.

Assalamu Alaikum. How are you all, I hope you are well by the grace of God. I am also fine by God's infinite mercy. Best wishes to all. Today I'm going to participate in a content contest in the Steam of Animals community. The title of the contest is "Animal market day in my country (adjust to your country) Thanks @steem.ofanimals for organizing such a nice contest.

  • Let's begin

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The day the animal market is held.

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Animal markets in our country are held in local markets. And cows goats poultry birds all kinds of queens we can buy. I took this picture from Siddhirganj, Narayanganj Chittagong Road Market. Many animals are found here. Animal markets are held here every Tuesday and Friday. From here, people come and buy animals, cows, goats, buffaloes, sheep etc. are available. The best cow prices in this market are slightly cheaper. The largest cow market in the Dhaka Narayanganj highway is next to the Chittagong Road Market. This animal market is crowded and in fact there is no more to talk about. People buy cows from the village in truck after truck.


What types of animals are sold there, for example livestock, pets or other types

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All kinds of animals are sold here. Cattle, pets, birds. Even chickens are sold for consumption for daily consumption. Ducks, pigeons, chicks, rabbits, goats, fences, different types of birds, beautiful cats. If you see the scene of a bird shop here, you will look so beautiful. Poultry shop with big huge area where poultry is sold, hundreds of thousands of poultry here. And the birdNeedless to say. Cat Bilati cat price 22 thousand, 23 thousand, 13 thousand, how much more? Sitting in rows with pet birds. Along with it there are various kinds of bird shop where you will be captivated by the chirping of different kinds of birds. Cows Many cows are slaughtered and the cows are purchased from this market.

The owners of various hotels and restaurants buy a lot of cows from here and get cheap prices. Goat sheep are beautifulis here You can buy all kinds of animals of your choice. Pets are all, different merchants all sell pets here. It is a crowded market. Ducks will be more than 2000 ducks in this market. Swans, Chinese ducks, Pati Haas all kinds of ducks are available here. Boiler Chicken, Cock Chicken, Rata Chicken, available here. There are 10-20 species of birds like tea, dove, myna, cockatoo, quail etc.I don't know the name. All animals and birds are available in this market and the prices are also within your reach.


What are the characteristics of this animal market?

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Animals and birds are innocent, they cannot speak, they cannot express their thoughts. We nurture them as we wish, feed them and care for them. I found the animals in this market very calm. I photographed the cow very closely and did not move. There are a lot of cows that come to people when they see them. It was a beautiful day. I held the cat and caressed it. It was very calm and quiet. to the birdI tried to catch them with my hands. I stood there for a while. A nice feature of this market is that trading cannot be syndicated through money. I was near the animals for a while, I liked it so much that the moment was full of joy. There are especially different groups of birds there but we liked it so much I asked the price of a bird. I put my hands on the heads of goats and sheepI went and took photos. I took two pigeons out of the cage, then I saw with my hand, they flew beautifully and came close again.

  • The baby rabbit was in the cage but the babies were still in the same place. Then I gave the baby cat fruit to eat. I gave the cat food and ate it and it came near me I was sitting on a chair I was just watching such scenes of animals and birds. Loved it more than competingI got to be with the animals for a while and I got to enjoy them up close this time how calm the beloved animals can be.


I am inviting three of my friends to participate in this beautiful contest.

Device NameGalaxy A24
Camera16 mp
Image typeanimals photography
LocationChittagong road, Naryanganj





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Senang rasanya membaca dan melihat postingan anda. Terima kasih sudah mengajak saya untuk ikut kontes ini. Semoga anda sukses dalam kontes ini

Dear Friend @kuhinoor,

Assalamu Alaikum, thank you very much for inviting me to the competition. I saw your post. You have written very beautifully. Your pictures and your language are very beautiful. Especially the picture of the market you have given. It is understood that it is a cattle and goat market of a large academy and various species of animals and birds are found in this market. Anyway, all in all, you have written very beautifully and the pictures are very beautiful. I wish you all the best in this competition. Stay well.

আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ মূল্যবান মন্তব্য পেশ করার জন্য। আমি আশা করি এমন সুন্দর প্রতিযোগিতায় আপনি অংশ গ্রহণ করিবেন। হ্যাঁ আমি যে মার্কেট থেকে ছবি তুলেছি এটি একটি বড় মার্কেট। এখানে পাখিগুলো দেখলে আপনি অবাক হয়ে যাবেন।


You did not include Google Maps or what3words in your post, please pay attention, thank you in advance.

Hello dear @steem.ofanimals ❤️ I tried to make my post complete. But how it got wrong Google Maps or what3 I don't understand. I tried to make the post 100% correct. And I used google maps but I can't figure out where it went wrong. Sorry like this time. excuse me I will try to make other posts follow all rules. I wish you good luck. Allah is Hafez.