SEC - S18W1 : Eco-Friendly Clothing for Animals

in hive-140292 •  2 months ago  (edited)
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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We must have love for all animals, we are the best race of people on earth and it is our duty to care for all animals, especially the animals that live in our homes, we are real human beings only if we care for all animals. We can, and the sign of love for animals is to care for them, if we only say that we love animals but do not care for them, then our love is not true, only care for animals is love for them.

There are a few things to keep in mind when taking care of animals, first of all we have to take care of their food, we have to take care of the food of those who live in our house, which we call pets, we have to serve them food at the right time. Another way to care for animals is to pay attention to their clothing, along with everything else to keep them healthy.

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Thank you Steem of Animals community for organizing this beautiful contest, through this contest we can be aware about the clothes of our pets, animals should be cared for clothes along with everything else, this contest asked three questions, now I will answer them.

What do you think about the clothes.

There are a lot of things to think about pet clothing, we have to be careful about dressing our pets, we have to pay attention to the clothing of our pets along with other things, we have to provide them with nice clothes, if we want to have nice clothes for our pets. If we arrange then that animal will look very beautiful. But most of the homes of those who have pets do not provide pet clothing.

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How important is it for your pet's protection and comfort to wear these clothes?

Clothing for our pets is very important for their safety and comfort, because when they have clothes on their body, they will be protected from many dangers, especially during winter, animal clothing is very important. But no animal can do any work by itself, so they need to provide good winter clothes during winter.

If animals wear clothes during winter, they will be very comfortable, their body will not feel cold, many times animals sleep in different places, many times it is seen that due to sleeping in different places, their body gets hurt by different things, if those animals have clothes on their body then Care should be taken to dress all animals to protect them from these injuries.

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What material does the clothing come from? Review
(Recommendation: If you want to share making tips, that would be more interesting)

Clothes are made by different materials, yarn is used to make clothes, yarn is made in different garments, clothes are made from that yarn, clothes are made from that fabric, we have many garments for making clothes in Bangladesh, many people in our area. It works to make clothes.

We have seen in our childhood that beautiful clothes were made for the pets of our house, still many people in the village make clothes for the pets, they make clothes for the animals in different ways, especially the clothes are made from cement sacks, At the farmer's house, clothing is made from sacks of cement for cows and goats. Winter clothes should be prepared and worn especially for domesticated animals during winter.

@sabus @mamun123456 and @sanaula are invited to participate in this contest.

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Hello @mahmud552
Greetings to you hope you are well and enjoying happy life with steem sounds like me. You are right we special take care of animals who are at our home. Pets lovers must try to keep safe and feed him carefully. Use of clothes in winter to keep him warm with cold weather. I wish you more success.

Greetings to you too, nice to see your comment, you are right, thanks again for your attention

@mahmud552 you are right that many animals sleep at any place. And due to this they also hurt or dirty. And if they were wearing clothes then they would not have gotten hurt and become dirty. And they always look neat and clean. you have explained very well. Feeling good to see that you have very nice thoughts about eco friend clothing

We all need to care about animals, thanks for your attention and comments

Honestly I like your entry because You've raised some important points about pet clothing, from considering their safety and comfort to using suitable materials like cotton or yarn. Your personal experiences and observations add a relatable touch to your post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and promoting responsible pet ownership!

Thanks for taking your valuable time to read my post, nice to see your comment, wish you all the best

You are welcome

You are absolutely right, there are many types of material available, but we should think 100 times before dressing our pet because many clothes may not be comfortable for our pet. We should pay attention to which clothes make them feel comfortable and do not cause allergic reactions to their skin.

You are right, many thanks for your valuable comments