The Diary Game Better Life // In the morning I fed leaves to two cow calves. (08-06-2024)

in hive-140292 •  last month 

Assalamu Alaikum


This morning I woke up and washed my hands and had breakfast. Then I went out to take the goat out of the house. I took the goat out of the house and tied it to a tree outside to get leaves for the goat. I went to the yard and picked leaves from the trees. In such a situation, two cow calves came and ate the leaves. Where did the two cow calves come together? Come and eat the leaves from my tree. I did not drive them away again. Because they are ignorant animals they do not understand anything. Maybe he came to eat because he felt hungry. So I left. They have to eat. I saw them eating leaves for a long time. Then after finishing the leaves, I went home with the leaves. The calves went home. I went and let the goat eat the leaves.


Then I went out to see the trees in the garden. Looking at the trees, I suddenly noticed that there were three coconut trees in my garden. Two have already died. there is a tree I see that the leaves are falling on that tree. Maybe or it could die too. It was very sad to see the tree. Because I planted the trees with great difficulty The trees are about 7-8 years old. Then I cleaned the base of the tree. After cleaning, I went home again. I went home and took a bath. Then it was half past eleven to come to the store.


However, the shop should be opened in the morning. But I am getting late almost every day. Because I can't wake up in the morning. At night, when I went to bed at home, I fell into a deep sleep. Does not want to get up in the morning. Still, he woke up with difficulty in the morning and it was 11 o'clock. Then come to the store. Now the store is a little less stock. So come late when I can pick up the goods. Then maybe you have to come early in the morning. The shop should open between eight and nine o'clock. Because many types of goods are sold in these shops in the morning. I came to the shop, opened the shutter of the shop. I opened the shutters and swept the shop. I cleaned it.

Then I freshened up and sat in the shop. I sat down and left the fan. I left the fan to cool down. Because my clothes got wet while sweeping the shop I didn't go home for lunch today. Because I came home at eleven o'clock in the morning. I spent a lot of time in the afternoon. I don't like sitting alone in the shop. Thus the afternoon passed, the evening passed. In the evening, however, it is better to be in the market. Ten o'clock at night passed while many people were sitting in the shop like this. After that I closed the shop and left for home. It was 11 o'clock on the way home. I went home, washed my hands and face, freshened up, had dinner and went to bed. My body was very tired so I went to bed early. Both my son and daughter are asleep.

My Achievement-1 Post by @masum1989

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