SEC - S18W1 : Eco-Friendly Clothing for Animals

in hive-140292 •  10 months ago 


On this occasion I would like to participate in a very interesting contest, this contest requires us to explain about animal clothing. If you are interested in participating in this contest let's give your opinion.

🐧 What do you think about the clothes?

In my opinion, the first layer of clothing used by animals is their fur, so animals are already equipped with their own clothing, namely fur.

However, people nowadays, especially animal lovers, make special clothes for animals to make their pets more attractive and unique.

In a way, animals are not created to wear clothes, because they clean their bodies by licking them, we can see cats, dogs, and monkeys. These animals clean their bodies by licking the hairs on their bodies. Unlike humans, humans know how to clean themselves by bathing every day.

In a way, animals are not created to wear clothes, these animals clean their bodies by licking the hairs on their bodiesimage.pngsource

Animals that use clothes will certainly make the animal's activities a little disturbed, for example if the clothes cover their genitals. Of course it will make it more difficult for animals to urinate.

Whereas clothing used by humans aims to cover sensitive parts of the body, such as the genitals and breasts. Whereas animals do not cover their genitals, because animals do not have reason and animals do not know what they should cover, why they have to cover certain parts of their bodies if they are not needed.

In conclusion, animal clothing is the fur on their bodies, people who like to keep animals certainly try to make the animals they keep look more attractive and unique, one way to make animals look attractive is by giving clothes to animals. Although on the one hand it can actually interfere with the activity of the animal itself.

🐧 How important are these clothes for your pet's protection and comfort?

In my opinion, there is no single piece of clothing for animals that makes them feel more comfortable, because animals are already very comfortable with the clothes that are already attached to their bodies, namely fur.

SourceIt is the animal's owner who has the greater ability to protect it.

The clothes that are given to animals actually make them more uncomfortable, for example if a pet is already feeling hot in the clothes it is wearing, will it take the clothes off by itself? Of course not.

Then can a pet wearing clothes complain to its master that these clothes make it feel uncomfortable? Of course not. So when it comes to comfort, clothes can't make the animal feel comfortable.

But when it comes to protection, there are times when clothes are made for animals specifically to protect them from attacks, from diseases, and other dangers.

But in everyday life, I see very few people who keep animals giving their animals protective clothing, because there are only clothes as accessories for animals so that animals look attractive and unique.

Think about it? If our pets are attacked by small ants, the clothes attached to the animal's body will interfere with them protecting their body. Of course, we don't want our beloved pets to get hurt or get into trouble.

🐧 What material is the clothing made of?

Any material is suitable for pets, the important thing is that the clothes can look attractive and beautiful when viewed. Generally, people prefer to use human clothes on their pets.

In my opinion, child-size clothes are suitable for some small animals, such as cats, dogs, rabbits, and some other small animals.

It is even more creative if the animal is also given accessories, such as glasses, ties, hats, and other accessories that can make your pet more attractive.

Animals are accessorized with glasses and collarsimage.pngsource

Talking about giving clothes to the pet depends on the owner of the animal itself, any clothes can be given to the animal that is important according to the owner's taste, if the owner wants the animal to resemble a girl. What's wrong if given girls' accessories, such as ribbons, necklaces, or the animal's hair is made longer.

Likewise, if the animal owner wants his pet to look like a boy. What's wrong with using chains, cowboy hats, and other toy weapons. It all depends on taste.

garis pembatas @miftahulrizky.png

Thus this article, I hope it is useful and inspires all who read it.I also invite you to participate in this contest. @waterjoe @fadia @irawandedy @megaaulia @deepak94

Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to comment.
Greetings by @miftahulrizky

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Very nice, I absolutely agree with you that how a person will prepare his pet depends on his taste. If it is a girl then she will prepare her clothes according to her taste. There will be laces etc. in it, there will be ribbons, everything will be of pink colour. When boys prepare their stomach, there should be a tie around the neck and a cap. The way you dress speaks volumes about the kind of person who prepares it. Your post is amazing.

Pertama sekali saya mengucapkan terimakasih karena anda telah bersedia hadir pada postingan ini untuk membaca, dan memberikan komentar positif. Ya semua tergantung selera pemilik hewan, aksesoris bisa membuat hewan peliharaan yang kita miliki semakin terlihat lebih menarik.

No doubt that it all depends on taste and choice of the owner. If the owner wants to do anything then it will happen otherwise not. And if the owner wants to give clothes to their pet animals then it is possible. No one gives without the permission of the animals. Well best of luck with the contest

Oleh karena itu jangan berikan pakaian apapun pada hewan kesayangan anda, biar dia tetap bisa membersihkan bulunya tanpa gangguan. Kemudian pakaian yang diberikan tidak akan kotor karena dia tidak mampu menjaganya.

I will definitely follow your advice except for extreme cold and extreme heat I will not dress it and thanks for the advice up . I'm so glad you thought of it God bless you always


Hello dear friend
Greetings to you hope you are well and enjoying a happy lufe with steem sounds like me. Thanks for sharingyour thoughts with us. You are right the animals not made to wear clothes they already more comfortable. When we wear clothes to animlas with stubborn then they feel uncomfortable because they have hair on body to cover. Also they licking body to clean him self like cats and dogs do it. Your thoughts means a lot. I wish you good luck for this chaallenge.

Saya senang anda telah membaca postingan ini, mendoakan serta mendukung saya, semoga kita semua beruntung dalam kontes ini. Benar sekali hewan-hewan menjilat tubuh mereka jadi tidak pantas jika diberikan pakaian.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Mantap Pak Rizki, saya suka dengan tulisan anda yang begitu teratur dan detail

Anda juga bisa menulis seperti yang saya lakukan, pahami beberapa kode untuk merapikan tulisan, kemudian buat tulisan menjadi beberapa sub bagian kecil sehingga bisa lebih fokus untuk mendeskripsikan isi tulisan.

Saludos cordiales amigo miftahulrizky , un placer para mi saludarte, leer y comentar tu participación en este reto.

No estoy de acuerdo es vestir a los animales, pues ellos no lo necesitan, para mi es una perdida de tiempo, energía y dinero.

Te deseo un feliz, bonito, productivo y bendecido día.

Haha, saya setuju seperti yang anda katakan tidak perlu repot-repot mendandani hewan karena membuang tenaga, biaya dan waktu. Mendadani hewan membuat aktifitas dia semakin terganggu. Salam.

Hello friend, I can see you have great thoughts on animal clothing, You make a valid point that animals already have their natural fur, which serves as their first layer of clothing. While people may dress up their pets to make them look attractive and unique, it's important to consider the animal's comfort and protection. You're right that clothes can sometimes interfere with their activities and natural behaviors. When it comes to protection, clothes can be useful in specific situations, like safeguarding against attacks or diseases. As for materials, any comfortable and breathable fabric can work, and it's all about the owner's personal taste and creativity. Thanks for sharing your insights.

Terimakasih sayang telah menyukai pendapat saya tentang pakaian hewan. Bicara tentang perlindungan saya juga menegaskan tidak ada satupun pakaian hewan yang dapat melindungi nya, yang dapat melindungi nya adalah pemilik hewan itu sendiri. Oleh karena itu selalu pantau dan awasi hewan peliharaan kita kemanapun dia pergi..

Yeah you are correct

You are right, animals were probably not made to wear clothes because God had already given them soft clothes, with which they protect themselves in winter and summer and clean themselves by licking, so their love is shown by licking a lot.

Regarding the animals, you have said well that if you talk, if the animals are clothed etc., then it disturbs their activity and they do not get a good stimulating environment and as they do their activities better. Other than that you have created an excellent post and I hope you will get success in the competition here