SEC-S14/W5 - Say no to fireworks. For the sake of pleasant company, don't ask questions and never criticize...

in hive-140292 •  8 months ago 

Romeo, our Border Collie

Midnight, December 31, 2023!

Millions of people will be watching the magnificent art of fireworks displays that will be put together and broadcast on television all over the world.

When we think about these displays, we think:

• Dubai’s Burj Khalifa
• Sydney’s Harbour
• Paris’ Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe
• London’s River Thames
• Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro
• Rio de Janeiro’s Copacabana

And in South Africa, we think about the beautiful City of Cape Town with the majestic Table Mountain.

Cape Town has been in the news for the last few weeks. Their permit to host a fireworks display at the Cape Town harbor on December 31, 2023, was retracted after numerous appeals from residents and animal activists were received against the show.

The City of Cape Town took it further and lodged an appeal in the High Court of South Africa against this ruling.

The National Council of Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, which is known as the SPCA in South Africa, also handed in a report of 29 different experts who gave their opinions about fireworks and the devastating effect they have on pets and wild life.

Unfortunately, the high court ruled in favor of Cape Town on Friday, and a five-minute firework display will be allowed. The main reason was that the city has already spent more than 150,000 STEEM to host the show, and "the commercial benefits outweighed the environmental impact." What a shame!

Do we use fireworks during the year-end holidays?

The answer is NO.. NO… and NO!

This is, however, not the answer that neighbors and festive holidaymakers will give you.

Ballito, where I live, is a popular holiday destination for thousands of holidaymakers during the month of December. These visitors don’t care, as they are not living here. They are here for a good time, and that includes the firing of fireworks.

Our dogs and their behavior when there is a lot of noise

As I am sitting here writing this post, we have the dogs inside the house as fireworks are going off outside. They were going crazy earlier on.

We have two border collies, and the female nearly ran through the glass sliding door when the first bang noise was heard.

It breaks my heart to see them like this.

We had a lot of rain the last couple of weeks, and one evening there was lots of lightning and thunder. When the first thunder struck, the two of them came running into the house, both jumping onto my lap where I was sitting in the lounge.

Their behavior changes completely when there is a loud noise. They are restless, and they would even urinate in the house though they are well house-trained.

Have I seen any negative effects of the use of fireworks on animals?

Believe it or not, fireworks can have negative effects on people, animals, and wild life.

From our experience as dog owners, it is not the flashing lights that scare our dogs, but the load bangs. It is these bangs that make our dogs react completely out of their nature.

Loud bangs or noises can cause:
• Anxiety
• Fear
• Stress and
• Physical injuries

I have heard of numerous incidents where animals got so scared that they ran from familiar places to unfamiliar places where they could be lost.

In fact, let me show you some of the WhatsApp messages we’ve received in the last few days.


This year, during Diwali, we had a lady who left her neighborhood and stayed in our self-catering apartment so that she could take her dogs away from the Indian community in which she is living. Her one dog starts biting himself when he hears and sees fireworks.

Say no to fireworks for the sake of the animals, because they will suffer

Amidst the joyous festivities, there is a darker side to the explosive sounds and bright flashes of fireworks, and that is the terrible impact on animals. It is our duty to say NO to fireworks.

Gauthami Shankar, who is an eco-activist, started a petition way back in 2018 against fireworks. He wrote the following:

"I would request everyone to step back, take a look at the harm your causing. Fire a sparkler or two, meet your near and dear ones and please try keeping the noise levels at the lowest and carbon footprint at its minimum."

It doesn’t take a lot to comply, does it? The little it takes starts by YOU!

Say no to fireworks. For the sake of pleasant company, don't ask questions and never criticize.

The images are my own

Poster created in Canva in aid of saying NO to fireworks

I invite: @ogechukwu-martha @kidi40 @smartlouis

Thank you to all the Steemians who invited me to this contest:

@ngoenyi @gabylazarde @khursheedanwar @fajrulakmal99 @max-pro @steem-for-future

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Espero que te encuentres bien amiga.

Cómo vives en una zona turística es difícil controlar el que los turistas usen fuegos artificiales para su celebraciones.

Tus mascotas son hermosas se ve que las cuidas y quieres mucho y tus hijos también.
Yo no uso pirotecnias nunca me han gustado de hecho me dan cierto temor cuando explota alguno cerca de casa mi reacción es pegar un salto porque me sorprende el sonido.

Pero mis mascotas gracias a Dios no se sorprenden al escuchar los estruendos o explosiones de los fuegos artificiales más bien siguen durmiendo muy tranquilos dentro de casa.

Hasta otra oportunidad 🌷

How lucky you are that your pets don't mind the fireworks.
Unfortunately at our side of the world it was a big struggle last night.
I am only so glad that New Year only happens once a year.

Thank you for visit and the feedback to my post. It is appreciated. 🎕

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We are the hope!

Thank you!

It's hard to imagine when some humans who seek temporary pleasures come at the expense of animal comfort and well-being. It is ironic when they are more concerned with financial gain at the expense of the animal side of life that is a wild environment.

Thank you for voting on the not with fireworks position. At least we don't stand still when some of us set off fireworks without caring about the effects.

What can I say... our nightmare is over!
What an evening it was. As our home is situated in the middle of three beaches, the fireworks were incredible, and the dogs went mad.
In the end, we had to lock them up in the kitchen to keep them safe. There are now 365 days left before it happens again. I can appreciate that!
Thanks for the visit and the engagement!

Hola mi respetada y apreciada amiga patjwell 🤗🤗.

Con cuánta tristeza he leído tu publicación 😞 así como escribes es una total vergüenza que acepten ese espectáculo de fuegos artificiales y manipulado, lo veo así porque invierten primero y después van y toman decisiones sobre si se hará o no 🙈.

Bueno es triste pero la gente está así y sinceramente no creo que dejen de usar fuegos artificiales porque muchos siglos atrás se usan y cada año son más y más los que los usan .

No les importa el peligro que esto ocasiona al ambiente a los animales y hasta a ellos mismos .

Parece que están empeñados en acabar con nuestro ecosistema .

Que bueno que usted no los usa e intenta cuidar de sus mascotas lo más que puede .

Saludos exitos y bendiciones para ti.

It was nice reading your comment on my post. Thank you!
Indeed, you are right; fireworks are here to stay, no matter who says what. I just so wish that it was more regulated.
These days you can buy fireworks illegally on street corners. The authorities should not let them get away with it.

Thank you, success and blessings also to you. 🎕


"The commercial benefits outweigh the environmental impacts." What a shame!

I enjoyed reading it at first and decided to stop and was disappointed at the end. Five minutes of sound can kill many animals.

Our temporary joys and celebrations cause irreparable damage to the environment and animals. We as humans prioritize our own interests and pleasures. This will also happen in our country, many people are spreading awareness on social media, but are we really aware? Shame on mankind indeed.

Screenshot 2023-12-26 234555.png

This is a picture of my country's celebration time last year.

Oh no!!!! What a picture!
It breaks my heart to see this. Humans can be so evil.
It is terrible to think that animals must suffer because of the entertainment of humans.

I wish I could say it won't happen again this year, but it will. We are not going to be able to stop it.

Thank you! I enjoyed your visit!

This picture makes me very sad. But tonight such a picture will happen again, I don't know when awareness will come among them. Even today I talked to some young people and tried to explain to them that using firecrackers harms animals but I failed, they bought firecrackers. What is their commentary on one or two days a year? I failed

Well you can be proud for trying. I applaud you for that. Well done!
In the meantime we can just pray that all goes well.
Happy New Year!

Hello mom. Really it looks disappointing for any reason about the fireworks display. 150,000 STEEM is not a small amount, but when it has been budgeted it should not be used as an excuse to ruin many things. Including destroying our sense of empathy for the concerns of animals and the surrounding environment. Best

It started to rain this afternoon and I was shouting "hallelujah!"
The closer we are getting to midnight the less rain is falling and the fireworks has started.
It is so sad. :-(
The poor dogs!

Baie dankie!!! 🙏
It is appreciated!

Jy is welkom

Boss we are already missing engagement 😭😞, I trust the team to come up something more interesting and powerful than engagement challenge very soon 😉

Your post is very well presented. Actually street animals should always be taken care of by us. Due to the sound of our firecrackers, animals are harmed a lot, they are dumb and cannot say anything. They come to us and seek shelter. But we all should help them and make them a home. So thank you for sharing a nice post with us. Thanks for the invitation, good luck for the competition.

It is so true that animals seek our protection. We saw it last night when there was some firing of crackers. All they wanted was to be close to one of us for protection.
They are our best friends, and we need to take care of them.

Thank you! I appreciate the visit.

welcome 🥰🥰🥰🥰

Saya sangat setuju dengan pendapat ibu ☺️

Semoga sukses ya dan terimakasih atas undangannya 🤝

Ah thank you! It is wonderful to know that another Steemian agrees with me.
Let's say NO to fireworks!


@tipu curate

Thank you!

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @scilwa. También puedo ser encontrado en nuestra comunidad de colmena y Peakd así como en mi servidor de discordia

Thank you!

Greetings my friend @patjewell!
The plight of pets during fireworks is heartbreaking 😔😓. Dogs like Romeo need our care amidst the loud bangs. Let's make this New Year 2k24 joyful without the noise bombs. 🐶🚫

All the best in the contest, success for you!👍

Unfortunately a no noise old year or new year is not going to happen. So sad!
The best we can do is to keep our animals close to us where they can feel safe.
Thank you for the visit and the engagement!☕

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator04. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere and any tags.
Curated by : @muzack1

Thank you! It is appreciated!

Hello ma thanks for the invite, I really appreciate it alot. Is very bad that those dogs ran inside the house to your lap when they heard the loud noise and is a very terrible thing for the other dog you talked about, to be biting himself each time he hears such sound.

I wish you success in this engagement challenge ma, happy new year in advance.

It is for me to say thank you for the engagement with my post.
Yip, it is heartbreaking that the dogs are like that, but yah, we can just try to keep them as safe and calm as possible.

Thank you! A happy New Year to you also! 🥂
There are only a couple more hours to go.

Yes ma, a couple of hours.

আপনি অনেক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তথ্য আপনার পোস্টে উল্লেখ করেছেন। শুরুতেই যে বার্তাটা দিয়েছেন তা সত্যি আমাদের জন্য ভালো কিছু। জানার পর বেশ ভালো লাগলো। পৃথিবীর বিভিন্ন প্রান্তে এই আতশবাজি কিভাবে কী করছে তা জেনে বেশ ভালো লাগলো।

সেই সাথে জানতে পারলাম, আপনি আতশবাজি ফোটানো পছন্দ করেন না। একদম আমার মতোই আপনি বলেছেন৷ আমিও পছন্দ করি না। পশু প্রাণী এবং মানুষও এর থেকে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হয়। যাইহোক ভালো থাকবেন সুস্থ থাকবেন। আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা রইলো।

It is for me to say thank you for the visit and for the great comment on my post. Thank you! ☕

I am glad you feel like me about fireworks. They are dreadful, and I am already stressed waiting to see what tonight is going to bring with our dogs.

It is going to be difficult that is all that I know.

Hola amiga, feliz noche 🤗

Es terrible ver las reacciones de los animales cuando escuchan hasta el sonido de los relámpagos. Me imagino a tus perros tratando de atravesar la puerta de vidrio.

Los fuegos artificiales deben ser eliminados y asi acabar con el sufrimiento de los animales. Ellos se ponen tan nerviosos que pueden morir. Hay muchas personas que no miden el peligro de sus actos.

Me alegro que no compartas esa mala tradición. Te deseo éxito en el desafío. Muchas gracias por la invitación. Te deseo éxito en tu excelente entrada.

Bendiciones para ti 🙏

Thank you! For the visit, the engagement, and yes, for caring about animals.

Unfortunately, fireworks are not going to disappear; in fact, we have only seen the beginning of it. Every year when I watch the news and they show the various arrivals of midnight all over the world, I can just see that the shows are getting bigger and better.

The best is that we stay at home and keep our animals safe

Asi es amiga, hay que reguardarlos. Bendecido dia para ti🙏

Thank you! And happy new year to you!
May it be a wonderful 2024 for all of us! 🎕

Pertunjukan kembang api memang menjadi pusat wisata di tahun baru, walaupun ada manfaatnya untuk menarik parawisata akan tetapi efeknya terhadap binatang juga harus di pertimbangkan, anda menulis semua poinnya sangat bagus dalam postingan ini saudari, semoga kita semua terus sukses dan selalu bahagia

I know Dubai Burj khalifa from all the places that you have mentioned at which millions of people see art of Fireworks. Agree with you that using fireworks is not at all good as you are saying no no that clearly means that you are against it and it is not good to use it because it can also cause burns and different injuries if they are not proper handled and secondly talk about animals then it cause suffering to a lot of the animals.

Thanks a lot for inviting me here I wish you good luck in this engagement challenge that I would be happy if you would visit my post too.

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Burj Khalifa: You know what is best is that it doesn't need fireworks. They can make a fantastic lighting display covering all the floors of this building.
Right there by Burj Khalifa in the courtyard is a musical fountain, which is incredible, and thousands flock there to see it. I was one of them.

There is truly no need for loud noises. But yah, it is what man wants to see, so it is given to him.

Yes I know about Burj khalifa it is already very beautiful and I don't think so that there is a need to use such kind of explosive noise in the forms of trumpets and Fireworks because there could also be a lot of lightning there and as you are saying that there could incredible music that can make it more beautiful.

I agree that truly there is no need to make loud noise by using such kind of things.Good luck ..
Stay safe stay blessed

Thank you! Blessings to you also. 🥂

Your welcome 🤗
Blessings to you also
Stay safe
Stay happy
Stay calm
Stay engaged
Stay blessed