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I meant reference images. For example, if I don't remember exactly how a sound system is built, I go and check on Google images.

  ·  last year (edited)

That's the whole point, I'm wondering if I can remember how an object, an animal, or something else works, for me this is an adventure, and unexpected turns of events are good in adventures lol :)
If I first look at how everything works, I will ruin my holiday, and the audience will see what they have long been accustomed to, but they see something new and they have a reason for some emotions and even if it is harsh criticism, it is like meeting a wild boar in the forest.

It is better to see a unique drawing, than a wild boar in the forest :o)

The first time I saw a herd of wild boars was at the age of three, when my father was taking me through the forest on a bicycle, I was afraid of my father's fear :)

Yeah, they can be dangerous.
We have a city (Haifa) with many wild boars roaming freely. Some of the people feed them.

The translator told me that I could look at the link lol, but now I understand that it was about an example of this or that subject :)

Yeah, translators sometimes translate strangely :o)

Their initiative can be unpredictably terrible, you have to put up with it :)