I got up this morning and brushed my teeth. Then I had breakfast. I made bread. I had tea. After eating, I went to my aunt's house. When I came, my aunt gave me some rice and I ate it. Then I came home and opened the chicken door. I fed the chicken. A chicken is sitting there. Then I cleaned the surroundings. I cleaned the plates and glasses. I cleaned the furniture in the room. I swept the room. I went outside. It was very foggy. My sisters and I lit a fire together. It was bitterly cold all around. Then we talked. We chatted. When I came home, I ate rice. When I came to my room, I folded some clothes. I watered the flower plants. The flowers are blooming very beautifully.
The noon prayer was called. I freshened up. Then I had lunch. Then I went to the room. I came and did some work. Then I browsed FB.
In the afternoon I went to get milk. I talked to my brother. When I arrived, I saw everyone sitting and chatting. I also sat and chatted. Then I watched the children play. I walked around a bit. Then the call to prayer was given and I came back to the room.
I closed the chicken door. Then I heated the milk. I made tea. I ate tea. I went to my aunt's house. Aunt Suji was cooking and I sat down to eat. Meanwhile, my brother was eating semolina with great pleasure. He likes semolina very much. After eating and talking a bit, I came back home. I was watching TV. Then Aunt came and talked to me. I cleaned the bookshelves. Then I went to my grandmother's house and chatted for a while. Aunt fried fish and I ate it.
I had dinner. Then I ate betel leaves. I went to the room. I came and cleaned the bed. It's cold outside, so I can't stay there. Then I browsed on FB for a bit. Then I took a long nap.
My mobile camera: Samsung Galaxy A10s
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