The diary game for 02/07/2024 // Cockroach infestation increases with the onset of heat

in hive-140292 •  4 days ago 

Assalamu Alaikum

Woke up at 8am today. I woke up a little late. We all woke up together today. Then I freshen up. Today my husband made the children fresh. Then I went to the kitchen and made breakfast. Today I baked bread for my kids with egg, milk, dates and almond powder. Me and my husband had biscuits and tea. I woke up late so I made breakfast early today. Then my husband went to office. Saying goodbye to my husband, I came to the balcony. I went to Belkonit and saw that today's weather is cloudy. It seems to have rained at night.


My kids are playing and in the meantime I cleaned the room I made the bed. I washed the dirty plate bowl. Then I came to the room and saw my daughter Aifa playing with my glasses. While playing, Ifa broke my favorite glasses. Then I put the broken glasses on Ifa's eyes. She is very happy wearing glasses. I started cooking lunch. Today I cooked my husband's favorite potal bhaji. My husband likes this way of roasting cabbage, potatoes and potal. Then I roasted the chicken. After finishing cooking, I got fresh. Phrase like this to my kids every day. Then I had lunch. My kids also ate. I put Aifa and Wafi to sleep. And I sometimes read books.



Then I saw that it was almost afternoon. I saw a cockroach outside the door of our room. I immediately took a picture of the cockroach. I did nothing more to it. After a while the cockroach left. Then I went to the kitchen and made afternoon tea I can't go without a cup of tea in the afternoon. Tea is also my favorite water. It has been raining since noon. So today I did not go to the roof. I went to the balcony. From the balcony I saw many pigeons on the roof of the house next door. Then I came to the room. My kids woke up. I made them fresh. I gave him something to eat. Give them some time. It was seven o'clock in the evening. My husband came from office. I gave my husband something to eat. I made Wafi to teach. Aifa goes to play with her father. After teaching Wafi, I will heat the dinners. Then I will give everyone to eat After dinner, we all go to bed by 10 o'clock.


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