Herbal medicine from Papaya and many health benefits

in hive-140766 •  4 years ago  (edited)


Hello Friends of Steemi This time I am trying to share tips about the benefits of the papaya tree from its leaves, roots, and skin. Who knows, the Steem Healthcare community friends like and are biased for you to try.
Benefits of carica papaya leaves, roots and bark contain alkaloids, saponins and flavonoids, besides that the leaves and roots also contain polyphenols and the seeds contain saponins Fruit contains beta carotene, pectin, delta-galactose, lamda-arabinose, papain, papayotimine papain, karpain alkaloids, phytokinase, vitamin A, vitamins.
The taste of papaya fruit is sweet and neutral. The root is useful as a urine laxative, worm medicine, stomach booster, and skin stimulant. Seeds can be used for deworming and menstrual laxative for women. Ripe fruit can stimulate digestive enzymes and facilitate bowel movements, release bile, strengthen the stomach. and antiscorbut. The fruit of mengkal is useful as a mild laxative, laxative of urine, facilitate the release of breast milk, and abortivum. papaya leaves can increase appetite which contains a lot of iron, smooth or shed menstruation, and relieve pain.

Halo Sahabat Steemi Kali ini saya mencoba berbagi tips tentang mamfaat dari Pohon pepaya dari daun, akar, dan kulitnya. Siapa tau sahabat community Steem Healthcare suka dan bias untuk kalian coba.

Mamfaat daun, akar, dan kulit batang carica papaya mengandung alkaloid, saponin, dan flavonoid, disamping itu daun dan akar juga mengandung polifenol dan bijinya mengandung saponin Buah mengandung beta karoten, pektin, delta-galaktosa, lamda-arabinosa, papain, papayotimin papain, alkaloid karpain, fitokinase, vitamin A, vitamin.

Rasa Buah pepaya bersifat manis dan netral. Akar berguna sebagai peluruh kencing, obat cacing, penguat lambung, serta perangsang kulit. Biji dapat dipakai untuk obat cacing dan peluruh haid Wanita. Buah matang dapat memacu enzim pencernaan serta melancar buang air besar, peluruh empedu, menguatkan lambung. dan antiscorbut. Buah mengkal bermanfaat sebagai pencahar ringan, peluruh kencing, mempelancar keluarnya ASI, dan abortivum. daun pepaya dapat menambah nafsu makan yang banyak mengadung zat besi, memperlancan atau meluruhkan haid, dan menghilangkan sakit.

Thanks Community Steem Healthcare

by @benevolence1

Salam HormatSpecial Thanks community Steem Healthcare
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hi @benevolence1 .. papaya fruit is very beneficial for our health and can also be a refresher when thirsty and thank you for sharing. nice to see read your post, friend .. hope you can share more here

Thank you for visiting my post, all writing will continue to share tips about health benefits in the community Steem Healthcare

Very nice

Terimkasih @benevolence1 telah berbagi postingan di komunitas ini :).

Pepaya memang salah satu buah yang kaya akan nutrisi dan juga enak 😃

Di kampung saya itu buah kates namanya

Iya bg dikampung saya juga

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