Doctor Faustus written by Christopher Marlowe is a fictional story but really happening in life.
This novel is very entrickest and very interesting. The novel represent a man that has ambition and just want life at a platter of gold and when he was lost in thought, alot of proposals came on board but in this situation, the devil was more enticing. Doctor Faustus here was left with no choice when the offer was presented to him. He took the offer and accepted the 25 years contract from the devil.
He sold his soul to the devil especially with the bonus on the release clause was what he couldn't reject. He took up the offer and he was made powerful, renowned, popular and famous and this is called uncommon transformation.
He was rich and the popularity was on his side. During this tenure he had many ambition and one was to the marry the Helen of Troy, the most beautiful woman on earth then and that is the benefit of being rich, you get everything you want at blow with your spoken words. He made decision that favor him and of anybody go contrary to the rules could be eliminated.
The wages of sin is death
One thing I have to say is real because once you make a contract with the devil and he happens to give you cap, on the short run he will collect the cap and your head also. Many people fails to understand that God's time is the best and rush to the devil for help failing to understand that at the of the day, you will definitely die and your soul will have no rest after this world.