Contest Announcement #6:Tell Me About Natural Remedies/Traditional Medicine That You Offten Use By @mvchacin

in hive-140766 •  4 years ago 




Good morning Community, first of all receive a cordial greetings and everyone have a blessed day

This publication caught my interest, since I currently have cysts and fibroids and this natural remedy has helped me a lot to improve my health condition, so I want to share my experience with you for those people who still do not know about the immense benefits of this beneficial natural juice, or if a family member or friend suffers from this condition, they can give you this beneficial recipe

Many women suffer from fibroids and ovarian cysts, unfortunately it is very common both in young women and in menopause.

It condition can cause us many disorders such as infertility, heavy bleeding, and over time these cysts can become malignant tumors and cause cancer.This juice is rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, folic acid, vitamins, etc.It is given the qualities as an antitumor, a great antioxidant which facilitates the recovery and cell renewal of our body

This recipe is simple, effective and very healthy.

Take for a day
1/2 kilogram of beets
1 glass of water


Wash the beets well and then grate


Blend the grated beet with the glass of water



To put this treatment into practice, the recommended dose is three cups, one in aid and the other two after each meal.

Here I am taking my first dose of the day

Friends, this natural remedy is really effective for those who suffer from this unpleasant pathology for many during the days that menstruation arrives.

Put it into practice and tell me thank you.


Until next time

I am inviting my friends @gchacin25 and @webarthur for this contest.

My special thanks to @shc-curator for organizing this great contest.

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Hi @mvchacin Thank you for your participation in this weekly contest. Your post is great and very useful:)

Thank you

Hola @mvchacina excelente remedio natural, no conocía este beneficio de la remolacha. Gracias por compartir

Si muy bueno, cuando se toma por primera vez puede causar algo de nauseas pero luego el organismo lo asimila muy bien

Hello friend @mvchacin, excellent post and successes and blessings.

Hello @mvchacin I'm glad you join in this contest, thanks for sharing your quality contents here and we hope you will continue to post here

Thanks so it will be