in hive-140766 •  3 years ago 

Greetings to all members and friends of this great family. I hope you’re all doing great just like me despite the harsh effects of the global economic meltdown?

Giving up should never be an option. We are survivors and we must survive this too. Okay?

My warmest greetings go to The Great Minds behind the success of this amazing @steemhealthcare community. You all are the best. Thank you so much for the great jobs you are doing here.


So, the topic for this Week’s Contest #4 is talking about YOUR BAD HABITS FOR HEALTH. I am really glad that this topic came up because a lot of people try to shy away from this truth. Some even go as far as justifying themselves for taking these actions which definitely will have adverse effects on their health either in the short or long run.
I am one of those people. I even go as far as telling me that a little trial won’t do any harm. Shame 🤦🏽‍♀️. I have lots of them that I am going to talk about.

My number one on this list is;


Fanta (this yellow orange-color soft drink that won’t leave me alone).

When it started

I had preferred water to soft drinks as a young girl basically because they purge me and I was maintaining my weight but when I got pregnant especially for my third baby, I craved for no other drink but Fanta specifically.

It’s effects on my health

We all know that Carbonated drinks offer our bodies nothing but high amounts of refined sugar which can lead to tooth decay because when you take these soft drinks, the sugar remains in your mouth and gradually work their way to the enamel to start their eroding process.
Carbonated drinks can also give you heart burn because of the gas that is present in them as a result of the carbon-dioxide that is dissolved in them. (You notice that when you take a carbonated drink, some gases rush through your chest and nose and you go haaaaa 😅😅). That’s the gas. I did a research on that some time ago.
The consumption of these drinks can lead to diabetes because of the high amount of sugar that is present in them which adds more calories than the body requires.

How I plan to stop it

Well, I have tried to minimize its consumption but still take it like once in a while. I hope to stop it completely with time by going for water and homemade fruit drinks on regular basis because they are better and healthier alternatives.

Using My phone in the dark.


When it started

This is another big challenge that I am having right now. I started this particular habit since I joined Steemit basically because it’s mainly at nights I create my posts. Our electricity is not reliable and we have power cut most times. So I mainly charge my phone when the generator comes on and use it when the generator goes off.
Sometimes when the electricity comes at night, I will have to switch off lights and work while charging my phone so I don’t disturb my family’s sleep. My husband cannot sleep with any reflection of light around him.

It’s effects on my health

I notice I have blurred vision after a while of concentrating on my phone and I try to look around in the dark. My eyes also get tired and dried somehow because I will have to rub them with my hand before continuing with my typing and editing.

How I plan to stop it

Yes, I really need to leave this habit soonest because I developed eye aches while I was growing up as a result of the slaps my uncle gave me on my face. Currently, I can’t read for three hours straight without tears flowing down my eyes as a result of that. So, I don’t want the condition to worsen and I don’t want to start using eye glasses now.

Not Completing My Prescriptions.


When it started

I’d had this phobia for drugs right from childhood, probably because of their tastes and smell (Chloroquine and Vitamin B Complex - the greatest culprits).

I would just take the drugs for a few days and loose interest as soon as I get better. Sometimes, I miss taking them in between and before you know it, I leave them completely.

It’s effects on my health

Honestly, I noticed that I don’t recover as quickly and completely as I should from that illness especially Malaria except I start boosting my body with fruits and vegetables.
I have noticed that this Illness is always reoccurring.

Even my prenatal drugs and supplements, I had to throw away lots of them after my delivery and gave out the iron-folate and Folic Acid to my nephew and niece.

How I plan to stop it

I honestly regret my actions because it’s still me that end up suffering the consequences of my actions.
So, I have made up my mind to go for injections henceforth, bear the pains of the needles and get well quickly. Injections are more expensive and painful but I have to bear the pains and get well quickly.

Late night meals

When it started

Prior to getting married, that’s while I was still single and in school, I hardly took dinner probably because I usually get home tired and worn out after working, doing extra moral lessons and doing my own studies too. I was very thin then but beautiful 😀😀
But getting married has changed that schedule a little. I presently live in a city were you can be in the traffic for three to four hours for a journey that should take you one hour maximum because of crowd and the number of cars on the road. Funny enough, you may stay that long only for you to find out that nothing led to the traffic but two vehicles at loggerheads 🙄🙄.
So, you leave your office by 6pm thinking you will get home by 7pm only to spend more precious time on traffic and by the time you get home and start making and eating dinner, it’s 9pm or even later☹️.
I must serve my husband his dinner and I dare not not 😉eat with him or he would reject the food. I must dip my hands in the food and eat with him.

It’s effects on my health

Late night meals or rather eating your dinner and getting in bed in less than two to three hours without being active reduces the tendency of proper digestion of food which will in turn lead to indigestion and constipation (especially for me).
Eating your dinner late could also lead to obesity and protruding stomach as a result of indigestion.

How I plan to stop it

Yes! I have been working on changing this habit by selecting lighter food options for dinner except when he insists on swallow (fufu) which is his favorite☺️.
Then I also try as much as possible to remain active within the next two hours before bed by going up and down the house and looking for things to put in other. Thank Goodness, am a mother. Most times before I slide into bed, the hunger pangs are back again and am like pheeewww😫 but that’s the aim 😃.

My late night meals are the reasons why I stick to my Morning workouts to remain healthy and fit.

Drinking Cold Water


When it started

Drinking of cold water (water that is placed in the fridge to cool before drinking) is a habit that I formed at my adolescence. There are some days that I can’t take anything that is not cold even on waking up. This gets worse each time I am pregnant, I even go as far as making iced cubes and carrying them in my mouth till they melt completely.

It’s effects on my health

Each time I take cold water, I feel this shivers on my teeth and mouth. Sometimes, am not able to chew anything for some minutes after taking the water, my teeth just go numb and gives me this shocking sensitivity.
Secondly, it does this rumbling in my stomach that often leads to stomach upset and I believe this is main reason I suffer constipation more than any other illness.

How I plan to stop it

Yes, I have seen the need to end this baaad habit hence I have started to reduce the amount of water in the fridge so, I won’t to see my share or have excess except for when the weather is very hot and I needed to cool my body a little.
I have also set my little alarm (my first son) who always reminds me that cold water is not good for our health. 🙄I try to teach them some health habits at home and I don’t want them to see me do the contrary. I have to lead by examples.

Skipping Breakfast

When it started

Due to the nature of my work and the time I left my house every morning as a single girl, I never took breakfasts. By the time I got to work and my pupils start coming in, I forget about breakfast completely until later in the day.
Even now as a sit at home mum, I barely take breakfasts because by the time am done with my kids and chores, it’s almost Afternoon.

It’s effects on my health

The effects of this habit is bad for me.
It gives me serious headache and sometimes migraine and that’s exactly when I remember that I skipped breakfast.

Another effect it has on me is dizziness. At a point, I feel like I am floating around and needed some rest but I won’t get better until I eat something.

Again I lose my portion control in the bid to fill up my tummy. I end up eating more than I should at once.


I am really grateful to God for my kind of body else, I would have been battling with obesity by now.

How I plan to stop it

Recently, I decided to make sure I take warm water first thing on waking up. Then, I take one or two spoons of my children’s breakfast while preparing them for school. (I have to use our moto; sharing is caring before taking from the food, else I won’t succeed) 😀😀

In Conclusion

There are lots of things that we do voluntarily and involuntarily that have adverse effects on our health. All we need do is; identify them, tell ourselves the truth and work hard towards fixing them so we can live healthy and happy.

Thank you so much @shc-curator and @steemhealthcare for this opportunity to share my bads 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️.

Am really working hard to achieve a better living. I may not achieve all at the same time but I definitely will continue to try.
After all, It is what it is🤣🤣🤣🤣

I am inviting @beewrites, @gracie20, @dlioness, @succyzee to come join this contest.

Please join us at discord and you can communicate with us for the betterment of the Steem Healthcare community

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Thank you so much great friends for reading through.


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