Fiber Foods for Essential Digestion

in hive-140766 •  3 years ago 

The fiber was so essential in our daily food diet. Fibers help our human body, to run fast digestion and avoid risk in excreting the stools. Hence, fiber helps in avoiding constipation. Fibers help in fast digestion, which results in maintaining our body weight.

It also helps in preventing some diseases like heart diseases, and some other types of cancers. It is recommended to consume at least 25 to 38 grams of fiber every day. But on average, humans around the world consume only 15 grams per day. There are two types of fiber, namely, soluble and insoluble fibers.

Insoluble fibers help the human intestine to function well. These fibers help in hydrating inside the intestine and helps in the fast movement of waste outside the body. Soluble fibers make digestion slower and make a low level of cholesterol, which makes blood sugar level stable. So, both types of fiber were very necessary for our human body.

Insufficient fiber in daily diet leads to various problems. Those problems include constipation, diabetes, weight gain, cardiovascular diseases, and hemorrhoids. Constipation means a condition where a human gets more trouble in excreting stools. Diabetes is a condition of high or low blood sugar levels.

Fiber-rich foods make everybody, eat at an average level and help in maintaining the best body weight. Fiber-rich foods help in removing excess high cholesterol and help in reducing the chances of cardiovascular diseases. Hemorrhoids are a condition of inflamed veins near the human anus caused by trouble in moving out hard stools. Fiber foods can solve this problem.

There are very easy and fast ways to add fiber-rich foods to our daily diet. Some of the best fiber-rich foods are Flax meal, Chia seeds, Cereals, and Hemp seeds. Flax meals contain omega three fatty acids and fiber.

Chia seeds contain a high amount of fiber (one ounce of chia seeds contains11 grams of fiber). Sprouted cereals are the best source of fiber content. Oats, fruits, vegetables, beans, and legumes also consist of the best amount of fibers.

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