Can papaya leaf juice really increase platelets in the body?steemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-141434 •  6 months ago 

The number of platelets in the body of dengue patients decreases. There is also a kind of panic in the public mind about this issue. Many people believe that eating papaya leaf juice increases platelets in the body. Because of that, some dengue patients are being force fed papaya leaf juice.

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However, there is no scientific basis to increase platelets by eating papaya leaf juice, said renowned medicine expert Professor Dr. ABM Abdullah.

"Many eat it," he told The Daily Star over the phone. But this is not a scientifically proven fact. If infected with dengue, platelets naturally decrease for 4-5 days. Then after 6-7 days it starts growing again naturally. It will increase naturally even without medication. So eating papaya leaf juice increases platelets—it cannot be said.'

Emphasizing on consuming more liquid food when infected with dengue, Prof. ABM Abdullah said, 'A patient with dengue will eat normal food. But liquid food should be eaten more. Because due to dengue fluid comes out of the body. As a result pressure-pulse decreases, shock syndrome occurs. In that case, it can be prevented by repeatedly eating liquid food including water, saline, glucose. That's why we ask dengue patients to take small, frequent liquid meals. If someone can't eat, vomits and loose stools, they need to be admitted to the hospital. There, the patient is given saline, through which fluids are obtained. That's why we ask to maintain hydration, which is most important.'

'Also, the patient should eat protein, fat, carbohydrate foods. It increases the immunity of the body', he added.

Regarding why platelets decrease when dengue is infected, this expert said that platelets are produced in the bone marrow by megakaryocyte cells. Dengue virus infects the area and suppresses it. As a result, production stopped. Platelets naturally decrease when production stops.

He also said that the level of platelets per 100 milliliters of blood in a healthy person ranges from a minimum of one and a half lakh to a maximum of 4 lakh. Basically, if the amount of platelets in the body is more than one lakh. In that case there is no complication.

About what can happen if platelets decrease in the body, ABM Abdullah said, 'If there is a lack of platelets in the body, there is a risk of bleeding. Platelets prevent bleeding in the body. If the platelets are too low, there may be bleeding from toothache, vomiting or stool. Again, in case of women, the period may start and stop or the period starts untimely. The point is that if platelets decrease, it increases the risk of bleeding.'

'However, a slight drop in platelets does not result in bleeding. If it is too much it causes bleeding.'

What are the symptoms besides fever?
When will people understand that platelets should be given, this famous medicine expert commented, 'It is not necessary to give platelets if you have dengue. Most patients do not need platelets. If the platelets are too low, bleeding occurs, if the doctor thinks that platelets should be given, then they should be given. But blood should be given only if the platelets decrease, that is not the case at all.'

He said, "If platelets in the body fall below 20,000 or 10,000, there is a risk of bleeding." The doctor will tell you to take platelets when you see him. Decreased platelets are not dangerous. People don't usually die from it. Due to dengue infection, when the fluid drains from the veins and arteries, the pressure-pulse decreases, causing shock syndrome, which is more dangerous.'

'I want to tell everyone that no one should be busy giving platelets when the platelets decrease. If the doctor thinks that platelets should be given, then they should be given. Let me repeat that if you have dengue, you have to eat more liquid food in addition to normal food. And the reduction of platelets does not mean anything terrible. As it decreases naturally, it increases again naturally', added Professor ABM Abdullah.
Data source: The Daily Star

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