How useful is green coconut or dub's water in dengue disease?steemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-141434 •  5 months ago 

Dengue outbreak has increased all over the country. The number of dengue patients in hospitals is increasing every day. Doctors usually advise to drink enough fluids when there is a fever.

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Hearing this advice, the relatives o f dengue patients rush to the bazaars or pavement shops. Due to the increase in the incidence of dengue, the demand for Dub has doubled. Taking advantage of the opportunity, some unscrupulous traders have also increased the price of dubbing.

Dr. Tanjir Islam Adit, a medicine specialist of Dhaka Medical College, told us about how useful green coconut's water is in dengue disease or what other liquid foods can be kept in the diet to compensate for the lack of liquid without dub's water.

Dr. Tanjir Islam Adit said that green coconut's water is not only useful as a drink, but it also contains a large amount of mineral salts and various disease-fighting properties. Which helps to cure many complex diseases.

In the 2022 guidelines for dengue treatment, patients are asked to consume adequate fluids. The amount of this liquid is 8-10 glasses daily. However, liquid diet does not mean that only bottled water should be consumed. Milk, fruit juice, water, rice starch, orsaline or barley can also be consumed to compensate for fluid deficiency.

Although green coconut's water is beneficial for the body, it should not be drunk in excess. Drinking too much can cause the opposite harm. Not only dub, any normal liquid food can be fed to the patient to fill the fluid deficiency in the body.

An adult person can drink at least 2 to 2.5 liters of water per day. A lot of sodium is excreted from the body through sweat. So there is a balance between this amount of water and the sodium excreted through sweat. But in case of fever, this balance is lost. So the patient is given saline, which contains 0.9 percent sodium. But potassium is not excreted from the body through sweat, it is usually excreted through feces.

Sodium, potassium or chloride regulates the normal functions of the body. So it is important to control the balance of these elements in the body. It is not good to take too much of these ingredients, and even if it is less, problems are created. Bottled water is low in sodium but high in potassium. If potassium is taken in excess of what is needed, it puts pressure on the kidneys. So one should not consume excessive bottled water.

In the diet of a dengue patient, soup, colored tea, semolina, semai, fruit juice, barley, rice starch or if you can eat normal food with rice, eat that. Food should be prepared according to the patient's diet.

The diet should be arranged keeping in mind that the patient should not suffer from dehydration in any way. Home food should be fed to the patient. Any fruit sorbet or lemon sorbet can also be a delicious drink. Instead of focusing only on bottled water, other nutritious foods and liquids should be included in the diet.

Data : Daily Star

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