Strokes can occur not only in older people but also in younger people. Strokes tend to occur between the ages of 20 and 30, even in children.
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Dr. Syeda Shabnam Malik, Assistant Professor of Neurology Department of Bangladesh Medical College, said about stroke in young people.
Why stroke ?
Dr. Syeda Shabnam Malik said, strokes are increasing among young people due to various reasons, children cannot play sports, becoming obese, sitting all day, eating excess junk food, smoking at a young age, alcohol and drug addiction, high blood pressure and diabetes among many young people are the reasons for stroke. The risk is also increasing.
There are many reasons behind stroke in young people. For example-
If someone has a congenital heart valve problem or if someone has a type of heart valve problem called mitral stenosis.
If someone has high cholesterol levels from heredity.
Some people are more prone to blood clots.
Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), an autoimmune disease, can also develop stroke.
Strokes caused by rupture of blood vessels in young people have structural changes in the blood vessels of the brain. This is medically known as arteriovenous malformation and aneurysm.
A sudden rise in blood pressure due to a structural problem in an arteriovenous malformation can lead to a stroke due to rupture of a blood vessel and bleeding. Aneurysm problems cause the blood vessel to swell and become like a balloon, so the wall of the blood vessel weakens and bleeds causing a hemorrhagic stroke.
Many of the young people smoke, are addicted to alcohol, use many types of drugs like amphetamines, cocaine. They are a leading cause of stroke in young adults.
If someone has a history of stroke in their family, obesity, sedentary lifestyle can lead to stroke at an early age.
In addition, stroke can occur at an even younger age of 5 to 10 years, although it is very rare. Myoma disease is a problem of blood vessels in the brain. Children can have strokes due to this disease.
Prevention of stroke at an early age:
There is no heart problem, there is no structural problem in the blood vessels of the brain, but due to lifestyle reasons, young stroke should be looked at. They should be aware if they have a lazy lifestyle, obesity, eating junk food, family history of stroke. Change in life should be made. If there is drug addiction, it should be stopped, smoking and alcohol should be avoided.
High blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol should be kept under control. If someone is taking birth control pills, stop taking them, avoid eating too much salt with rice, walk for 20 to 30 minutes every day and keep weight under control. In addition, people who have had a stroke or transient ischemic attack are at a higher risk of another stroke. That is why they have to continue taking medicines like Ecosprin for life.