SEC S6W2: A day with a special steemians

in hive-141434 •  2 years ago 
Assalam o Alaikum
I hope everyone is fine and good in life. Alhamdulillah I'm also fine.
As all of us know about the steemit engagement challenges has been started so this is the second week of the engagement challenge in this community as I had already participated in the first week of challenge on the topic of building my blog but unfortunately I didn't end up well and wasn't able to secure the position in that challenge.


Now I'm going to post about special steemians a day spent with him.
So there are many steemians here with me whom I know very well and very good friends of mine but in this challenge i will share my very best friend and a great steemians with you.
Which steemians would you like to spend a day with?
In recent days many friends of mine have joined this platform by seeing my promotional posts. But today in my post I will share a great friend of mine with you who was working on this platform before me.
I would like to spend my day with @aliraza880 as he is not my old friend but he is very good friend of mine.


In a very short time we become very good friends so that why I'm sharing him with you and i would like to spend my day with him because i have many reasons to do so.
What qualities and values do you highlight in this steemian
He has a lot of qualities in him the main quality I want to share in him is his kind heartedness.
As I'm not good in making friends but we became very good friends in just a couple of weeks. So that is the main quality in him he is very friendly and a good hearted man.
His other qualities are
  • Honesty.
  • Straight forwardness.
  • Kind heart.
  • Also a good looking and dashing personality.
  • A very good cook.
  • Very punctual man.
  • A good guider.
He has a lot of other qualities in him that I also want to share with you but will share other time with you guys.

He is the main reason reason behind me to again start my work on this steemit platform he forced to re active my account and work on it. By him I'm posting this post today.

What would you like to learn from this steemian?
I would like to learn only two qualities from him I think one of these is God gifted because not everyone has it. So would like and spend my whole time to learn this quality from him these two qualities of him are given below:


He has the very good quality of cooking in him I don't think so that I will learn how to cook like him from him but I would try my level best to learn from him.
I'm a very foody boy so I want to have this quality in me because I like cooking due to foody boy I like a lot of dishes bit I don't have this quality in me.
So if I would have a chance in my life to spend a day with him I would spend my most time learning from him these skills. Every time when we do a get together he is our chief cook only he cooks our food.
On every Eid we do tikka party he make chicken and beef kababs biryani and chicken karahi. And I always wanted to be like him.


He is also a good trader like he do trading on binance when we last time met he told something about binance to me as I had a short time so I didn't learn most of it.
Now a days this thing is on very hype Everyone want to earn money online and that is the best platform to invest money and earn from it so that's why i would like to learn this skill from him.
where would you like to spend the day with this special steemian?
I would like to spend the whole day in my university with him because here we will have enough time to visit every where another reason to spend the day here in my university is that he is a pizza lover boy as I am so we will go to cheezious pattoki to eat their delicious special pizza. He was also asking me to give him treat in my university's café so we will go to the cheezious pattoki to eat pizza.
We will also olay some sort or sports here he is also a athletic boy so we would enjoy each others gathering very much. Here I will also has enough time to learn about the crypto and also how to do trades on different applications like in binance or octa FX.
But here I will miss learning cooking skills from him as it is our government hostel so we don't have any kitchen here.
If you could give him a gift; what would you give him?
Honestly, i do not have anything special in my mind but i would like to give him dressing.
Like a pair of shoes jeans pants and shirt. I am very familiar with his choice of dressing so I will buy a good gift for him as well.
He also like wearing new clothes bery much so by giving him a gift of dressing he will be very happy.
And believe me if I give him any gift he will surely return a gift to me very soon because he is a very friendly guy and kind hearted he had never tried to hurt any of his friends intentialy.
that it for my todays challenge post hope you will like it.

Now I would also like to invite him to participate in this challenge @aliraza880, and also @azeem22 and @muhammadi to come take part in this challenge.

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Que bueno que hayas podido iniciar una amistad con aliraza880 y que te haya motivado a reactivar tus actividades en la plataforma. Lo describes como un hombre con mucha inteligencia y habilidades tanto a nivel comercial como en la cocina.

Se divertirían mucho durante todo un día, al comer todo lo que les gusta y visitar diferentes sitios. Espero que logren mantener su fortalecer aun mas su amistad.

sí, es un hombre de muy buen corazón y en shaa allah mantendremos nuestra amistad como está.
también le encanta visitar diferentes lugares, por lo que también tenemos algo en común.

Que bueno que has desarrollado una linda amistad con este talentoso steemians que describes llenos de valores y cualidades; el día con el seria en verdad especial para ti. Éxitos en el concurso!

Sí, nuestro día será muy especial.
cuando tienes un amigo como el nunca te aburres y tambien aprendes mucho de el


Your post has been supported by @astilem from team 2 of the Community Curation Program. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.

Voting date: 02/12/2022


Las mejores amistades surgen de manera imprevista, que bueno que hayas encontrado en @aliraza880 a una persona tan alegre, amable, honesto, trabajador y con un valioso talento en la cocina.

A través de su amistad y del pasar tiempo juntos podrás aprender de el sus conocimientos y experiencia en el tema de las criptomonedas y copiar algunas técnicas a la hora de cocinar.

sí, por supuesto que habrá aprendizaje y también muy divertido.
por cierto gracias por responder