SEC S6W2: "A day with a special steemians"

in hive-141434 •  2 years ago 


Hello my dear lovely members of incredible community of Recreative steem! It is my tremendous happiness to take part in this engagement contest.

Since the last year i have joined steemit i found it best ever social platform; i am inspired by the work of many people and i wish to meet them in my life. So that i can spend some special time with them.

There are few people on steemit who work and effort motivated me and i aspire if an era came in my life i would have a gathering with them.

Which steemians would you like to spend a day with?

I would like to spend time with my special steemian friend @ashkhan. She is one of the best steeman i ever knew on steemit. There are many prople who are doing their best work. But in such a short time span whose work inspired me and motivated me this is only @ashkhan.

She joined steemit after days when i joined. Through her quality posts and hard work i can say proudly if you want to move forward for having a good position just work hard like my friend @ashkhan.


This is my gorgeous friend ashkhan whom i want to meet; whenever i got chance in my life infact its my heartiest wish to spend some memorable time with her.

What qualities and values do you highlight in this steemian?

Here are few qualities who inspired me in ashkhan.

  • Hardwork
    She is hard working girl; although she is quite young in age but she is very able and passionate she proved that hard work is key of success in any field. She proved herself on steemit in only one year.

She has worked as moderator in different communities, always actively participate in different contests. It was her hard work who motivated me nothing is impossible in life if we continue hard work.

  • Dedication
    She is very dedicated girl. I knew her on steemit, she proved her commitment and dedication and attained a good position on steemit. I know she will more successful in her academic life. Her dedication motivated and i started hard work on steemit.
  • Helping nature
    She has supporting behavior, whenever i need in any difficulty during working on steemit she always told me in a good way. She never felt bad while helping me either at any time. Sometimes i disturbed her even during her classroom but she always reply me in a best way.
  • Optimistic nature
    She has sweet optimistic nature. Whenever i admired her work. Her successful journey on steemit she said its Allah's blessing i am just nothing.

She said, I just sincere with my work. And i never thought negative or bad for others thats why Allah always helped me in any situations.
There are thousands other qualities which she had; i discussed only few.

What would you like to learn from this steemian?

I would learn few things from her.

  • What is the key of succes in her life.
  • i would like to know how she has successfull journey on steemit.
  • I must wanted to know what tips she has to be dedicated with work.
  • I want to learn how i can be get success on steemit.

Where would you like to spend the day with this special steemian?

I would like to invite her in my city then we moved to hilly area like Murree as she loved to travel and enjoyed the beauty of snowfall and hill station.

There i would request her to cook special biryani for me as she told her cooked biryani is famous in her family. We would enjoy photography there also she wanted to meet my doll and we will have lovely time together.

If you could give him/her a gift; what would you give him/her?

She loved rings, i wish when i meet her i will gift her a beautiful ring. Hope she will like it. She often told me when she moved out for shopping she often buy rings for herself.



In the last i wiuld like to invite my dear friends @ashkhan, @seapearl, @adriancabrera, @alegnita, @chiomzy810 and @udyliciouz to participate in this exciting engagement contest.

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@tipu curate

;) Holisss...

This is a manual curation from the @tipU Curation Project.

Thank you so much dear for such a beautiful words and appreciation. It's honor for me that you inspired by my work and consistency. Yes I would loved to meet you and your cute princess. I would loved to cook biryani for you and visit hilly areas. I love you dear and thanks again for such a kind gesture. Best of luck for the contest.


Por lo que veo te refieres a un steemian talentoso, constante y bastante comprometido con la plataforma. Excelente entrada. Éxitos!

Thank you so much dear friend for visiting my post

Que bueno que admires tanto el trabajo que ha realizado ashkhan en la plataforma y que sientas el deseo de poder conocerla en persona, conversar con ella y aprender un poco de su experiencia y de como lograr tener una gran influencia en la plataforma.

Para hacerle ese regalo se nota que la conoces muy bien y que le agradaría mucho recibir un anillo como obsequio.

Thank you dear friend for the invite, you have written so well, quality content

Wow, what a nice pick from you. My friend from greeter fairy @ashkhan. No doubt, you are fantastic in all ways. Dedicated and willing to carry everyone along.

Thanks for sharing...

@ashkhan es un ejemplo de que con dedicación y mucho esfuerzo se puede lograr un crecimiento en la plataforma, a pesar de ser bastante joven tiene una gran personalidad, es muy responsable y siempre se ha mostrado muy dispuesta para apoyarte cuando la has necesitado. Estoy segura de que aceptaría la invitación a tu hogar y te prepararía ese plato familiar que es tan especial para ella.

Your post has been supported by @JYOTI-THELIGHT from team 2 of the Community Curation Program.

We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.
Voting date: 04.12.2022


Thank you so much for support