Sabores en Semana Santa

in hive-141434 •  11 months ago 

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Hi stemian friends, today I want to share a little story about not holy Ramadan. The month of Ramadan is a holy month and a month full of blessings. In this month all Muslims are required to fast for one full month. during fasting Muslims are prohibited from consuming food and drink and inserting objects into open limbs from morning to evening.

¿Cuál es el plató típico para semana santa?(Pascua, Ramadan)


A typical food during Ramadan is bubur kanji rumbi. Bubur kanji rumbi is a type of rice porridge cooked using coconut milk, broth and several other spices. This porridge can also be topped with chicken, shrimp or meat. This food is a specialty during Ramadan in my area. My brother used to take his kanji porridge to the mosque near my house every 5pm. We crowded the place and went to the mosque to get it. They always distribute this porridge every afternoon and it is free for anyone to take. Actually, moments like this are very pleasant because it is only done once a year.

The tradition of making this porridge has been going on since I was a kid. My grandmother used to make it herself and deliver it to our house. But now my grandmother is sick and can no longer make the porridge. In my house, eating starch porridge and hot tea when breaking the fast has become a daily habit during the month of Ramadan. The light taste of kanji porridge makes us not too full so it is still comfortable to perform maghrib prayers. Usually after the maghrib prayer, we then eat other food such as rice or noodles.

-¿Cuál es el ingrediente que no puede faltar en la Semana Mayor?(Pascua, Ramadan)

One ingredient that is synonymous during Ramadan is dates. Dates are very good to consume during the month of Ramadan at dawn and breaking the fast. This sweet fruit has excellent benefits because it has a lot of fiber content so that it can make us feel full longer and can reduce hunger during fasting.


When breaking the date is also often the most common food found. Many preparations can be made from this fruit. Because I don't really like dates because they are too sweet, so my mother often processes dates into other foods so that the sweetness is slightly reduced. The most common preparation is steamed date bread. It is made with pillow bread that is arranged and then doused with a coconut milk solution that has been mixed with sugar and eggs and sprinkled with dates that have been cut into small pieces and then steamed.

-¿Cuál es la bebida refrescante para semana santa?(Pascua, Ramadan)

Refreshing drinks are always sought after to be one of the meals when breaking the fast. One of the drinks that we often buy or make is iced orange. I don't know why oranges are so refreshing. The sweet and sour flavors combined with the ice makes it perfect for a thirst quenching drink during fasting.


Another refreshing drink that we often make or buy is usually iced lemon tea. This drink is no less refreshing than iced orange. I usually make it when I'm about to break my fast. Making it is quite easy. First prepare hot water and soak the tea bag in it. After that, add sugar and stir until dissolved. When finished, cut the lemon and put it in the tea. The last touch is not to forget to add ice and so deh ^-^. Pretty easy isn't it

-¿Tú postre favorito en la semana mayor?(Pascua, Ramadan)

Dessert that is often bought during the month of Ramadan is compote or fruit ice. In addition, as I mentioned above, steamed date bread is also used as a dessert during the month of Ramadan. In addition, because my mother is a cake seller, so we prepare rolled pancakes as dessert. Usually we eat the cake after the teraweh.


Dadar gulung cake is a creepe cake containing grated coconut. Making it is also quite easy. First prepare flour, pandan leaf water (to make the color green), grated coconut, and coconut sugar. Dissolve the flour with pandan leaf water and add a little salt. Then make a creepe-like dough. And fill the dough with grated coconut that has been cooked with coconut sugar. After that, roll it up and you're done.
We just made an easy dessert hehe^-^.

-Con cuál sabor te identificas en semana santa. (Pascua, Ramadan)

The flavor that is synonymous with the month of Ramadan in my opinion is sweetness. All takjil or snacks that are sold to break the fast are very identical to sweet flavors. Maybe because we have been fasting all day so our bodies need a good sugar content to strengthen the body. And there is a term that says "break the fast with something sweet". So that sweet food becomes one of the choices that are bought or made for the breaking menu.

That's all for my post this time. Hope you like it and don't forget to leave some comments.

I also invited some of my friends to participate in this very interesting contest @miftahulrizky @ravikadevy @fadthalib

Best regards

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