Steemit Engagement Challenge Temporada 4 Semana 3 | Tres metas que cumplí y tres que quiero lograr! // Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4 Week 3 | Three goals that I met and three that I want to achieve!

in hive-141434 •  2 years ago  (edited)

¡Hola Queridos Amigos!

Queremos una vez más agradecer a todos los participantes de esta semana quienes han hecho un estupendo trabajo brindando contenido único y exclusivo que cumplieron todas las expectativas donde nos permitieron conocer un poco más acerca de ustedes. Bienvenidos a las tercera semana del Steemit Engagement Challenge


     Continuamos la temporada 4 del Steemit Engagement Challenge en su tercera semana, donde te invitamos a contarnos que tan bien te ha ido con tus propósitos y cuáles son las expectativas de los que vienen.
     ¡En esta oportunidad queremos reconocer la resiliencia y la lucha por lograr las metas que nos propusimos! El propósito de esto es motivar a los lectores que todo es posible además de lo importante y gratificante que es ver nuestros sueños hechos realidad, transmitiéndolos gracias a la experiencia y motivación con su participación. Debido a que se basa en experiencias personales, esperamos publicaciones originales y exclusivas. Queremos que nos hables de ti y de la forma en que vives tu realidad.

Recreative Steem - Steemit Engagement Challenge Temporada 4 Semana 3 | Tres metas que cumplí y tres que quiero lograr!

Algunas preguntas y respuestas que puedes abordar en tu publicación a continuación:

1- ¿Cuáles son esas tres metas que lograste cumplir este año?
2- ¿Cuéntanos cuál fue tu experiencia en estos 3 logros?,¿qué enseñanzas te dejo?.
3- ¿Cuáles son esas tres metas que quieres cumplir ? y ¿cómo quieres lograr cada una de ellas?
4- Cuando sientes que no puedes lograr algo: ¿cuál es tu mensaje de motivación?

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Queremos saber más de ti, como enfrentas cada obstáculo y los superas para lograr lo que te propones, además que sirvas de motivación a los demás!

Recuerda que para utilizar la etiqueta #club5050 debes haber ingresado, realizando Power Up del 50% de tus recompensas, igualmente que las publicaciones deben ser exclusivas, no utilices las que ya has publicado en otra red social, por lo que puedes utilizar el hashtag #steemexclusive creando contenido único para Steemit. Te animamos a Votar y Comentar las participaciones de otros usuarios, que la Originalidad y la autenticidad te distingan.


• Sé CREATIVO y ORIGINAL, no aceptamos ningún tipo de plagio, ni reciclaje de contenido.

• Admitimos participaciones en cualquier idioma.

• Tu posteo deberá ser realizado en RECREATIVE STEEM y contener mínimo 300 palabras.

• El Titulo debe ser: Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W3: "Tres metas que cumplí y tres que quiero lograr."

•Incluye fotografías propias y exclusivas para esta publicación.

• Has resteem en esta publicación así otros se enteren del Concurso y etiqueta a 3 amigos.

• Comparte el enlace de tu publicación en la sección de comentarios de esta publicación.

• Incluye la etiqueta del club al que perteneces (#club5050 ó #club75 ó #club100), además #recreative-s4w3, la de tu País de residencia por ejemplo #argentina y #steemexclusive entre las primeras.

Estaremos recibiendo participaciones hasta el Domingo 18 de Septiembre 23:59 UTC (21:00 hora Argentina)





Cuarto lugar: 9 STEEM

Quinto lugar: 6 STEEM

◘ Estaremos evaluando de la siguiente manera:

DescriptionInformation ✅or ❌Score
Plagiarism Free/1
Bot Free/1
Verified User/1
Markdown Style/2
Quality Content/4
Total Score/10

◘ Verificaremos el Estatus del Club

Club Status Verification Period-
Transfer to Vesting0
Cash Out
Voting CSI-

Determination of Club Status refers to the Web-based Application

Todo el Equipo de Recreative Steem esta a cargo de la conducción de este Concurso. @graceleon ADMIN @oneldoors MOD @nelsondoor MOD @yolvijrm MOD @rafaelrod MOD @kleymer MOD @marvinvelasquez MOD @bellana MOD @adriancabrera MOD

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Hello Dear Friends!

We want once again to thank all the participants of this week who have done a great job providing unique and exclusive content that met all expectations where they allowed us to learn a little more about you. Welcome to the third week of the Steemit Engagement Challenge

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     We continue season 4 of the Steemit Engagement Challenge in its third week, where we invite you to tell us how well your purposes have gone and what are the expectations of those who come.
     On this occasion we want to recognize the resilience and the struggle to achieve the goals we set for ourselves! The purpose of this is to motivate readers that everything is possible as well as how important and rewarding it is to see our dreams come true, transmitting them thanks to the experience and motivation with their participation. Because it is based on personal experiences, we expect original and exclusive posts. We want you to tell us about yourself and the way you live your reality.

Recreative Steem - Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4 Week 3 | Three goals that I met and three that I want to achieve!

Some questions and answers you can address in your post below:

1- What are those three goals that you managed to accomplish this year?
2- Tell us what was your experience in these 3 achievements?, what teachings did he leave you?.
3- What are those three goals you want to achieve? And how do you want to achieve each of them?
4- When you feel that you cannot achieve something: what is your motivational message?

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We want to know more about you, how you face each obstacle and overcome them to achieve what you set out to do, as well as motivate others!

Remember that to use the hashtag #club5050 you must have entered, making Power Up of 50% of your rewards, also that the publications must be exclusive, do not use the ones you have already published in another social network, so you can use the hashtag #steemexclusive creating unique content for Steemit. We encourage you to Vote and Comment on the participations of other users, let Originality and authenticity distinguish you.


• Be CREATIVE and ORIGINAL, we do not accept any type of plagiarism, nor content recycling.

• We accept entries in any language.

• Your post must be made in RECREATIVE STEEM and contain a minimum of 300 words.

• The Title must be: Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W3: Three goals that I met and three that I want to achieve."

• It includes photographs exclusively for this publication.

• You have resteem in this post so others find out about the Contest and tag 3 friends.

• Share the link to your post in the comments section of this post.

• Include the label of the club you belong to (#club5050 or #club75 or #club100), as well as #recreative-s4w3, that of your country of residence for example #argentina and #steemexclusive among the first.

We will be receiving entries until Sunday, September 18, 23:59 UTC (21:00 Argentine time)





Fourth place: 9 STEEM

Fifth place: 6 STEEM

◘ We will be evaluating as follows:

DescriptionInformation ✅or ❌score
Plagiarism Free/1
Bot Free/1
Verified User/1
Markdown Style/2
Quality Content/4
Total Score/10

◘ We will verify the Status of the Club

Club Status Verification Period-
Transfer to Vesting0
Cash Out
Voting CSI-

Determination of Club Status refers to the Web-based Application

Síguenos en nuestras Redes Sociales


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People should not include their username in the post title - that is quite unnecessary.

Thank you for your comment, this will be very useful to all members of the contest later🙏

Thank you very much for the correction. We are moving forward

Sir/mam, is it mandatory that newbies need to contact greeter team member through discord or telegram! please go through the discussion I had with ripon0630.

If so I disagree with the system because people who are getting responsibility must keep their eyes on newbies, only making contact can't be the resolution as several are not doing blog by their actual name.

I also shared a video where you can see everyone working in my community are individuals.

Only including the subject in CR report that we guided newbies which is nothing but several times fake(at least in my community), everyone working in my community guided by me only. Sorry to ask you do you think making comments on newbies post can be the only responsibility of CR's.

Sir/ mam for me this is a serious issue so I request you to clear the matter. Even I asked the same question to ripon0630 he withdrew his support from my yesterday's post!!

Strange! That's how they are performing their responsibilities.

Sorry to disturb you but can't help it, as I am honestly working here, so I need to clarify some ponts. I never beg anyone for vote, even only mentioned you whenever I make some posts related to this platform growth.

Another thing I found unfortunately that, people only supports and make comments after you reached and voted on that, a very few post get votes and comments before you reach their. What does it proves? I think you know better than me! Sorry but sir/mam today I am disappointed and for that reason I bound to write this comment.


There is no obligation for Newcomers to make contact through Discord or Telegram.

cc @inspiracion @cryptokannon - any thoughts on this?


Hi everyone, there's no obligation to contact the greeters' team on that medium(discord/telegram). Still, for those who can't show their photo due to religious/personal reasons, then they will have to be verified for their Achievement 1 (Introduction Post) through discord, and @event-horizon is in charge of this. Peace out Steemitian 😊💖

Thank you and I am greatful for your response, I told them to contact ripon through facebook Messenger and eventually I will guide them to join discord and telegram. Please give us sometime as they just joined.
I will arrange another meeting and guide them about several other things too.

That's right, we don't require a new user to contact us on discord or telegram, but I once invited a newcomer whose place of residence is not far from where I live to meet in the purpose of silaturrahmi as well as provide guidance in writing publications in the community, I think it is necessary to guide newcomers to get to know the status of #club and narrow the space for agricultural accounts to move

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Hola amigos 👋

Por acá dejaré mi participación en el concurso de está semana:

Saludos 😘

Saludos cordiales apreciados amigos, comparto mi enlace al concurso de la semana.

Gracias por su atención..

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Hola Amigos, les comparto mi Participación en el Desafio

WhatsApp Image 2022-09-16 at 10.52.41 PM.jpeg

Fue un gusto poder ser parte de este challenge y compartirles un poco más sobre mí:

Está súper el reto amigos.

Hola amigos. Es una excelente propuesta para esta semana.
Dios les bendiga 😇💗

Thanks for this contest, expect my entry soon please.

Thanks for this contest, expect my entry soon please.

Acá estaré, aún quedan muchos propósitos por cumplir. Me gusta este concurso tan inspirador. Exitos chicos.

Excelente concurso amigos no dejaré de participar 😍

Excelente tema para esta semana 💖

We will be receiving entries until Sunday, September 11, 23:59 UTC (21:00 Argentine time)


Hello dear @graceleon I think it should be September 18.

Oh siiii. Ya hago la corrección. Gracias por la acotación ☺️

Most welcome ☺️

Excelente concurso me encanta tres metas ya cumplidas y todavía nos falta nos falta lograr más, estaré preparando mi participación bendiciones 💕

Este concurso se ha incluido en el Listado activo del concurso diario #ContestAlerts

Contest Alerts: Active Contest List on 12th Sep 2022 – Win 550+ STEEM

Siga y Resteem para más actualizaciones.
#ContestAlerts #winwithsteem

Qué buen desafío pronto estaré dejando mi entrada, este va a hacer mi primer desafío que realice. Saludos

Como siempre promocionando, un buen tema para los desafíos. Excelente propuesta.

Hola amigos de Recreative Steem, por aquí les dejo el link de mi participación.

Muchos éxitos a todos.
Felicidad y Saludos.

Hello sir i want to know if i am eligible for making posts & eligible for getting a reward!!!! Please reply me
If i am not eligible how much am i supposed to power up! If not power up then what am i supposed to do

Amigo @zeewanee, según consulta en steemword y cotify, ud es club5050
El usuario zeewanee realizó (en 1 mes/es):

    CLUB5050: ✅ Elegible. Debes encender 0.000 STEEM

por lo tanto puede participar de los desafíos de cualquier comunidad y usar la etiqueta club5050

Thanks sir!!!
It feels good to know that i am still eligible i surely will start posting soon

Sir you told me i am eligible for posting this post but unfortunately my post didn't got the review. Please help me & above that i also bought 50 steem from market place & also powered up 20 steem. Please help me.

Buen día amigo, debe colocar el link de su participación aquí en los comentarios, un comentario aparte, como han hecho todos los demás participantes.


Ok sir! I was unaware of this step. Thanks alot for your reply.

Interesante retrospectiva y visión de futuro que bebemos poner en práctica en este reto. Excelente 🙏

Buenas tardes comunidad

01 Comunidad Recreativa.png

Acá mi participación en el concurso de esta semana en la comunidad y que forma parte de la 3era semana de la 4ta temporada del #Steemit Engagement Challenge.

Espero estar a la altura de las circunstancias

Suerte a todos los participantes

Hasta la proxima...

Besos a todos los integrantes del equipo 😀 por aquí les comparto mi entrada al desafío

I like this post and was also interested then I immediately made it, at first I liked it because everyone who made this post was very motivating for myself, Then I tried it seems very comfortable when writing it, Then I immediately participated in making the post, hopefully it will be useful for all of us.


And this is my post link 👇

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