"The Diary Game (14/10/2023): Education in our lives" || @joymm

in hive-141434 •  last year  (edited)

Hello lovellies.. how are you doing?? I trust you and your family is doing well.. it's another week of Steemit engagement challenge and today, I will be sharing with you on how I spent my day. This is my entry;


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I woke by 5:30 am in the morning, I said my prayers and dressed my bed. I went straight to kitchen and boiled water for bathing because the weather was cold. While I was waiting for the water to boil, I picked up my broom and started arranging and sweeping the house. Then I went and prepared things I will use to cook rice. Immediately I was done preparing the rice, I went and started bathing.

When it was 7:10 am, I was done with everything I had to do. I carried my bag and left for work. Am into fashion and designing and my boss doesn't like us coming to work late, thar is why I wake up early and do my things on time.😎 At work, I sweeped the shop, mopped it and arranged it with the help of my senior colleagues. When we were done with cleaning the shop, I got myself busy with the other clothes I didn't finished the other day. And this is the outcome of it.


Before we knew it, our boss came to shop. She began to teach us on how to mark and sew a shirt. This was actually the first time she is teaching us shirt and she told us to practice it. I did mine and was the outcome. Although, I have been asking myself how can they sew a shirt, not until my boss taught me and I discovered that it wasn't that hard.


I cut my own shirt, and sew it according to how I have been taught. Although it took much of my time, but I was able to finish sewing it. I weaved it, put button holes and tested it. My boss was so proud of me and told me to put more effort.


In Conclusion, in everything we do in life both at school and at work, it has a postive way of affecting us. This fashion designing am into is also a part of education in my life. Now, I can be able to sew for myself, my sisters, mum, friends, etc. So, anything we do in life, we should take it serious because learning never ends.

I warmly invite @chiomzy810 @bela90 @entity01 to join this awesome contest.

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Un lindo dia donde de una u otra forma la educacion se hizo evidente en el desarrollo de tu vida. Éxitos en tu estupenda entrada.

Hola cariño 😊
Realmente tuviste un día de mucha instrucción en cuanto a la costura y es que cada día vamos a aprender algo si así nos lo proponemos .
Te felicito vas a ser una excelente modista si sigues aprendiendo con mucha disciplina.

Saludos éxitos y bendiciones

It's interesting to know you're learning a school, a skill many are craving for and I've seen your beautiful works. This always emphasis education as it isn't limited or restricted to classrooms. The skill you're learning is a form of education that can make you stand before kings. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to reading more of your posts and best of luck in this challenge.