in hive-141434 •  2 years ago  (edited)





In Europe, in the fifteenth century, after the "Black Death", in the religious sphere they began to look for reasons for such a terrible event. One of the reasons that began to be put forward was that evil had reached unusual extremes and that there were human heretics and blasphemers who, despite being creatures of God, had made a pact with Satan and, using his power, launched terrible evils against him. rest of humanity. These theoretical beings began to be called Brujas (os) or Sorcerers (as). Magical powers, power of divination, were attributed to it, it was believed that they could be identified by having marked skin and could also convert and/or ally with wolves and cats to commit their misdeeds.

Although there were cases of men who were tried and persecuted for this cause, the worst part was carried by women. Some lady was even accused of witchcraft for trying to practice medicine. The seriousness of the matter was that this crime allowed the accusers to use torture to obtain confessions and after the unfortunates "confessed" to being witches, they were sentenced to hang or burn.




Y45URY YMLT lived in a very, very distant future. So advanced that humanity had almost nothing to worry about or discover. Hunger, diseases, wars had disappeared, they had managed to achieve the physical theory that unified all forces and also how to manipulate time and space. If an alien ship happened to try to invade Earth, the defense and attack mechanisms were so advanced that they would give them a fight and return them without wanting to try again.

They were so, so advanced that the real problem they had was not to fall into boredom. People died just because they decided to.

Y45URY YMLT was a very light young woman and thought that all previous times were better. She loved the 15th century dresses and her "natural" life. She also liked the wildness of Reggaeton and the Latin culture of the 21st century. She loved tattoos and had gotten countless of them on her body.

He liked to travel back in time, both to the 15th century and the 21st century. These trips were very few and monitored to avoid any type of paradox that would destroy the reality in which they lived. No contact with the ancients was allowed and only ordinary people were allowed to go to places and times where the possibility of creating a catastrophic event for the future was slim to none.

One day Y45URY YMLT took his 21st century retro smartphone with his favorite reggaeton playlist and very powerful loudspeakers, his 15th century suit and decided to take a little ride in his time capsule through a Spanish town in this ancient century.

Unbelievably, something went very wrong. She was in her capsule, listening to and dancing to reggaeton while watching a group of people leaving mass unable to notice her presence, when this device collapsed and made her appear in the middle of the crowd and out of nowhere, while at full volume I heard a reggaeton that said.

Look at my dog
​​Here is your she-wolf,
you put the "calne"
and I put the "tolta"

Let my "marius" grow horns soon because
that guy is gafo
and doesn't take away the cold.

The crowd panicked, shouting: IT'S A WITCH, IT'S A WITCH!

Coming out of mass were the town's witch hunter and its mayor. The latter, an impious man, very pragmatic and ambitious. Both men had their eyes on his prey. Y45URY YMLT. Each with very different motivations.




The witch hunter caught Y45URY YMLT and she was interrogated to confirm if really she was witch. She tried to explain to the witch hunter she’s from the 21th century but he played a deaf ear to her. She asked to see the mayor so she could show him what she speaks of but he was scared she might use her charm on him since he was already convinced she was a witch due to the tattoos she had on her body.

Thinking the tattoos was a way of making pact with satan.Y45URY YMLT was severely tortured by the accusers and had no other option than to say she is was a witch to stop that hard torture. she was tortured severely and since she stands no chance of meeting with the mayor and explaining to him and also didn’t want any type of paradox that would destroy the reality in the 21st century.

Because a contact with the ancient was not allowed to avoid the possibility of creating a catastrophic event in the future. After she unfortunately confessed to be a witch, she was sentenced to dead by burning. Wood where gathered around a pole where she was tied and fire set on them and that ended the life and story of Y45URY YMLT.

I invite @mukadas @babadawuda and @tiyum08 to join this contest.

About me



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Sadly she had the end of many people during a long period of time due to the Holy Inquisition
