Fauns in Silesian forest – Polish legends by @papi.mati

in hive-141434 •  3 years ago 


That's the 11th post from that series which in total will include 16 publications. If you want to read the previous legend published by me, check those links:

It's the legend, so obviously it's not the story I created, but it may vary a bit from the versions that other people know. I wrote it on my own, with my words, in a way it was said to me when I was a child and how I remembered it.

The legend about Fauns in Silesian Forests

Once upon a time, when there were still beasts walking on Silesian land and people did not know computers or cell phones, three friends met at the crossroads: Zabomir, Gliwor, and Bytomir. They wanted to go out into the world to have great adventures and become famous. Young people had their dreams: Zabomir wanted to become a great explorer, Gliwor loved plants and dreamed of having great farmland, and Bytomir wanted to become a carpenter. They decided that together they would find their happiness in the wide world. They wandered six days and six nights, and on the seventh day, they came to the edge of a great field. They were surrounded by a large forest full of wild animals and mysterious creatures.

The friends decided that this is where they would take a long break. They ate the remains of the food they had brought during the expedition and went to sleep. However, they were unable to sleep properly when suddenly the forest began to crackle terribly and the trees swayed as if they were about to fall. The boys woke up immediately and quickly hid in the nearby bushes. They watched in amazement as, in the middle of the field, a huge stream of water gushed out from under the ground. Three small, human-like creatures leaped out of the forest but they had hooves instead of legs, and horns poked out of their heads. They were fauns, ancient forest dwellers who liked to do mischief.

The fauns began a mad dance around the gushing water. The young men were terrified and wanted to flee, but the fauns noticed that someone else besides themselves was in the clearing. They caught up with the boys and began pinching, pushing, and pulling their hair. Gliwor started yelling and begging them to stop, and in return, his friends would grant them their three wishes. The pranksters liked this offer and accepted it.

For a brief moment, the creatures consulted, then one of them said that it was very cold at night in the forest, the trees and bushes could not be broken to start a fire, because they were protecting them, so they needed something else to keep warm. Zabomir, who was very knowledgeable about the land, had a great idea. Where they came from, people knew the black stones they threw into the fire. They called them "black gold" or coal, and thanks to them they quickly heated homes. He also knew that he would find these stones underground. They just need to get out of the forest and dig a little in the ground. The young men were soon back with their bales of coal. They built a fire and threw stones at it. The fauns were surprised because it suddenly felt warm and welcoming.

Now is the time for the second wish. The creatures of the forest already knew what they wanted. If they felt already warm, it would be useful to drink a good drink; the fauns were very fond of wine. They put as a condition that it must be a drink that they did not know yet. Here came to the rescue Gliwor, who, because of his interests, knew very well what to do. Hops were grown in Silesia, which was later used to make a refreshing drink called beer. Gliwor knew exactly how to prepare it. He wasted no time in brewing a beer with the help of his friends, adding some wild beehive honey to it. The creatures were delighted with the taste and the golden color of the drink. They couldn't resist it and drank and drank until they passed out.

With the new day, the time has come for a new task. This time the fauns discovered that if they were warm and had a delicious drink, they only needed a comfortable bed to rest in it. Bytomir was very happy with this wish. After all, his passion was wood and doing various things with it. The boys found a suitable tree and Bytomir made it the most comfortable bed in the world. The demons tested it and were delighted with its comfort and spaciousness. They unanimously announced that the friends did a wonderful job of completing three tasks and, in return, they would make their dreams come true. So each one received a piece of land and tools.

Thanks to his diligence and knowledge, Zabomir began to mine coal, open mines, and eventually built a city around them, named after him Zabrze.

Gliwor built a brewery where he brewed the best Silesian beer. Over the years, a city was founded there, which was called Gliwice.

Bytomir built his fortress and it was called Bytom. To this day, the inhabitants of these cities live friendly and support each other. And in the place where the friends met the fauns, a fountain was built, in which three dance creatures were immortalized.

Thank you for reading,

Zabrze location
Bytom location
Gliwice location

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Hola @papi.mati que ingeniosas leyendas, definitivamente hace volar la imaginacion, los faunos pellizcando y molestando a lo niños ¡que terror!