The moments of tears and thank God for life

in hive-141434 •  7 days ago 


Greetings to you all my dear steemains how are you all doing today I hope all is well and you all are having a nice and wonderful day?

Today in my entry I will be sharing with you all about the rather tragic thing I saw yesterday that got me really emotional, and I stopped and wonder why the world is like this?

I know you all may be wondering why I have to snap a picture of a mad person and write an article, but if that's what you are thinking let me just correct you on that because the truth is that the lady in the picture is not mad at all.

She's as normal as the rest of us but it's just that life just doesn't seem to turn out exactly as expected for everyone and that is why she has to suffer like that and hustle under the rain.


And what she does isn't something to write home about, you know in our area there's a place where everyone dumps refuse so many people including the lady in the above picture will go and start selecting and fetching out plastic bottles so as to sell and earn a living.

It is a job though because it's part of hustling we all get that, but the fact that she has to move under the rain so as to go and keep her bottles so that other people wouldn't steal it made tears to drop down from my eyes.

And with that automatically I had a reason to thank God for his mercies in my life, it's not that I'm better than those suffering out there but he just chooses to help and provide for me, may his name be praised amen.

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  ·  7 days ago (edited)

Hola querido
La vida no suele ser justa con todos, sin embargo tenemos un Dios allá arriba al cual clamar cuando tenemos necesidad, no se que cual sea la situación de la señora de la foto pero espero que Dios la bendiga siempre siempre y que nunca falte pan en su mesa.
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