Let’s play #my3facts - 2 truths and 1 lie 🤫 Here are my 3 facts : 1️⃣ When i ...

in hive-142013 •  5 years ago 

... was a kid, my favorite animal was the panda 🐼 so instead of a teddy bear 🧸 I always used to have a panda stuffed animal!

2️⃣ I once acted and even rapped in a commercial spot 🎥

3️⃣ I used to be a professional dubbing actor and recorded several audiobooks 🎙

So which one is the lie? 🤔
Comment down below ⬇️💬 what you think and I will upvote the comments who guessed it right!

Thanks again to @hauptmann for coming up with this challenge.
I’m looking forward to hear about all of YOUR facts and learn many interesting things about our appics community members! Use the hashtag #my3facts to participate!

Have a great weekend everyone ☀️


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I think 2 is lie.
I have a question, maybe you know. Or somebody who read this, knows. Q: Does the curation rewards here on APPICS depends on the upvote time? If my upvote remains the first, before all others, will it be the same if done on the 5th second, and on the 5th minute after post been published? How it all changes, if a 100x times more powerful upvote by an APX whale was placed BEFORE me, and if I managed to front-run of that whale? How all this reward mechanism works? Similar to that of steem, or timing is completely ignored on APPICS? I have been looking for this info long time, everywhere, but seems nobody is talking about these things.

Number 1 😂😂

Yeah you are right!! You got my upvote!

Haha...I saw very less people guessed it right 😀👍

Yeah! I made it hard on purpose. I wanted to make the truths sound unrealistic, but make the lie sound believable 😇 so that it’s not too easy 😌 but you totally saw through it 🙌

Number 1 is lie😆😆🙄

Wow you got it Right! Great job 😎 👏

😎😎😎🤗Thank you sweetheart 😊happy to win 😚

it is really hard to guess it right because all facts could be true. So i am guessing my first feeling and say No1 is your little lie. And if No2 is true, ai want to see this clip😅👊🏼thank you for participating and your shout out🙏🏼greetings from Barcelona

Very good! 👌👏 1 is the lie, you are correct

going for 1 that is lie

You are right! Congrats!!

kinda hard... but ill go with number 1 as a lie... 😁 coz 2 and 3 are somehow connected and # 1 is kinda soo easy to give out hehehe... ill just stick to my 1sy choice 😁😁 #1 is your white lie ☺️

Very good reasoning! You are absolutely correct 👌😎

huwowww 😍😍😍 hehehe... can we have some sample rap then 😍😍

singing Panda, Panda, Panda 🐼

You got it right 😏😏 congrats!

Number 1 😎😎

You got it!! 👏🙌

number #1 is lie😍😊

Yes you are right!! Congratulations! 🍾

Number 1 is a lie!

You guessed right! 👏 well done!

Ha I knew it

Number 1 is lie🤔🤔🤔

Yes you are right!! Well done!

Congratulations for me😄

Do more posts like this. Thank you

Number 2 is a lie. If not I want to see the video :D @lonistellina what do you think?

Hahahahaha luckily the video was never made public! I didn’t even see the finished version. But it’s true. Number 1 is the lie 😇

So sad that the video never made public. Maybe you can show it to us? 😅😍


Oh, das ist ziemlich schwer zu raten, ich denke aber, dass Nr. 2 etwas geflunkert ist? 🤔😉

Danke für dein Kommentar! Tatsächlich ist Nr 2 wahr. Ich habe bei einem Videodreh als Schauspielerin mitgemacht und hatte auch einen Rap Part 😆 nr 1 ist die Lüge!

Tough one.... 3 i guess¿ 😬😬😬

3 is true! 1 is the lie actually

😬😬😬 ☺️☺️☺️

I go for #3. I hope i got you here.

3 is true. I really recorded several audiobooks in the studio 😇 1 is the lie !

Number 2 is a lie 💞 Great

2 is true 😆 1 is the lie actually!

I guess 3

3 is true! But 1 is a lie 😜

Rapping !! Absoluetly your eyes telling its a lie 😂😄

Hahaha really? Well actually it’s true. I really acted in a commercial video and I also had a rap part In there. 1 is the lie 🤪

Lol , then you are definetly good at lieing seeing how many are not able to find which is truth or lie 😝🤣🤣 did you check previous my post ? I wrote about you 😄

I hope number 2

2 is true 😊 1 is the lie!

Amazing job!👌👍🥰 I'm going to pick #2 live the awesome initiative and was glad to participate in it last night, such a great and fun way to know our members better!

Hey Karen! Actually #2 is true 😁 I specifically picked it because I knew people might easily take it as a lie.. But it’s true. And number 1 is actually the lie 🤣

So you actually never loved this famous Panda 🐼 Bear lol! Love you, haha one day when APX Blasts offI will meet you!!🥰👌👍

No 🤣 well I do actually love panda bears. But my favorite animal as a kid was a dolphin 🐬 but I wanted to come up with a very believable lie that everyone would fall for 😎

No3 is a lie

3 is true :) 1 is the lie!

No. 3 is the lie ,,,,, as cause " I used to be a professional dubbing actor and recorded several audiobooks" it will be dubbing actress 😂, that's why I am choose it.

Hahaha you are right. My bad, dubbing ACTRESS is correct! But still, number 1 is the lie! 😜

I made a song about appics and telos. And yesterday I have uploaded it. Ma'am, It's my pleasure if you check it.

3 😁

3 ist wirklich wahr! Ich habe mehrere Hörspiele im Studio aufgenommen. Aber 1 ist die Lüge 😌

No. 3 is a lie🤩

3 is actually true 😁 1 was the lie!

number 2 is great

Thanks! But 1 is the lie 😄

Number 2 is a lie🙄

2 is true 😁 I really acted in a commercial video with 2 of my friends! There was also a small rap part and I got it 🎙 1 is the lie!

Then it was hard😐. But awesome that you acted in a commercial video.

Yes I wanted to come up with 2 truths that would be kinda hard to believe... and 1 lie that was very believable... so everyone would fall for it 😏🤣

😂. Today i also posted my3facts post😌

Number 2 is a lie 😆

Hahaha 2 is actually true!! I really acted in a commercial video with 2 friends. And I had a rap part in it 🎶 number 1 is the lie 😆 I made it sound like a very believable lie 😌

Hahaha most of us here chose number 2. You know what? You made this challenge really fun for all of us. And I loved it! 😆😍

Thanks! When I first saw Hauptmann’s video, I was thinking about what kind of facts I could say. I wanted to make the truths sound kinda unrealistic, and wanted to make the lie very believable. So that it’s not too easy 😌 I took a while to come up with that! I do actually love Panda Bears, but my favorite animal as a kid was always the dolphin 🐬 😇

Number 2

2 is actually true! 1 is the lie 😎


2 is true 😆 number 1 is the lie 😅

🤔 Ich denke nummer 2 ist eine lüge, ich habe dich noch nie rappen sehen

😆😆 tatsächlich ist #2 wahr! Es war auch das erste mal dass ich vor der Kamera gerappt habe 😅 #1 ist die Lüge 😇

😮Wow wie man sich täuschen kann bei nr 1 dachte ich das stimmt 100%

Hahaha 😁 das hab ich mit Absicht gedacht, ich wollte es ja nicht zu einfach machen 😌 daher hab ich lange überlegt welche Wahrheiten niemand glauben würde, und auf welche Lüge jeder sofort reinfallen würde 😆 ich mag zwar wirklich Pandas, aber mein Lieblingstier als Kind waren Delfine 🐬


Thank you!

Numb 2 lie......1 and 3 can be....

1 is the lie actually 😅😁

Gorgeous look..❤❤😍

Thank you 🙏🏼

2nd fact is not true..

It’s true actually 🤣 and number 1 is the lie!

Number 2 is a lie

2 is true actually 😎 number 1 is the lie 😆 I made it sound like a very believable lie

Number 3 is a lie

3 is actually true! 1 is the lie 😁

Number 2 is great


Number 3 is a lie.......

1 is the lie actually 😎

2️⃣ I once acted and even rapped in a commercial spot 🎥
This is lie I am thinking

This is actually true 😇

I lost 😭😭😭

Ummm No 3 is a lie 😂😂😂

3 is totally true 😎 there are several audiobooks I recorded

I will go also for 2nd. That was lie

2 is actually true! 1 was the lie 😆

hmmm...I'd go for #2

2 is true 😅 1 is the lie !

Number 3 is a lie 😊🤗

3 is actually true 😎 I recorded several audio books in the studio! But 1 is the lie 😌


2 is true! 1 is the lie 😁

This point is lie
3️⃣ I used to be a professional dubbing actor and recorded several audiobooks 🎙

3 is true 😁 I really recorded several audiobooks In the studio

Panda beer are so beautiful 🐼🥰 thank you for letting us get to know you a little more.✨

Thank you dear Sam 🙏🏼

No 3 huh!!!

3 is true! But 1 is a lie 😄

Number 2 is lie.....☺

2 is true! 1 is the lie 😆

Number 2 is great👌

Thanks! 2 is true, but 1 is the lie 😁

Number 2 is lie

2 is true! But 1 is the lie actually

This one is hard. Mhm I guess number 2 ist the lie. You can also check out my3facts if you want to 😊☑️

Thank you 😇 actually 1 is the lie, 2&3 are true 😜

I think 2 is not true..so difficult 😐

2 is actually true 😁 but 1 is the lie!

Number 2 is great

2 is true though! But 1 is the lie

Number 2

2 is true 😜 but 1 is the lie!

number 2 is lie

2 is true 😜 but 1 is the lie!

Number 2 is lie😅

2 is true 😜 but 1 is the lie!

I go with number 2, that’s definitely a lie, but they all fit in to your traits 😂😂

Actually 2 is really true! I was an actor for a promotional video and I also had a rap part in it. But 1 is the lie 🤣

Oowww damn, guess I missed this one 🤦🏾‍♂️

Hehe, you fell for it 😆 I really wanted to make it hard and pick 2 truths that sounded unrealistic, but a lie that was very believable! I knew everyone would fall for the panda. I do like pandas, but my favorite animal as a kid was the dolphin 🐬

You got me on this one, next time I will step up my game 👌🏾

I think number 2 is a lie

2 is true! 1 is the lie 😌


Thanks 😊

Number 3 is a lie 🙄

3 is true! 😎 1 is the lie though

Ahhhh Damn! You sounded so believable. Lol

I actually took quite a while to come up with those facts !! I wanted to make it hard and come up with 2 truths that sounded unrealistic, and 1 lie that sounded believable 😌😏

I dont care the number! I care for you! LOL...😍

😆 thanks!

Whew, you are probably so witty, I can only guess which fact isn't totally true. I can imagine that number 2 is a lie. Eighter it wasn't just one spot you did or you didn't do the rapping. Really just a guess.

Actually, 2 is true! I was an actor for a promotional video with 2 friends. And I also had a rap part in it. But 1 is the lie! I made it sound like a very believable lie

Smart smart 😁 merk ich mir, deine Taktik! Sprache ist echt eine coole Leidenschaft, find ich Hammer dass du das Vertonen professionell gelernt hast. Rhetorik bringt einem in der täglichen Kommunikation auch echt viel. Kannst du auch so gut raten wie Rätsel erfinden? Kannst dich gerne an meinem #my3facts probieren.

Danke danke! Ich habe auch mal bei dir kommentiert und bin gespannt was deine Lüge ist. Die Ausbildung zur professionellen Sprecherin hat echt viel Spaß gemacht. In der Schule hab ich beim Vorlesewettbewerb gewonnen und dann ging es weiter mit Hörspielen 😁 aber synchron-sprechen ist nochmal ein anderes Level. Du steht im Studio und siehst die original Szene vielleicht 3-5 Mal, musst dir genau merken wie das Timing und der Ausdruck sein sollen, und dann alles auf deutsch genau nach sprechen. Sehr spannend

Cool! Vorlesen macht einfach Spaß! Danke für den Einblick, ich würde denken dass man viel mehr Hilfsmittel hat beim Synchron sprechen. Dass so viel aber doch an der Fähigkeit hängenbleibt, das Timing zu treffen, habe ich irgendwie nicht gedacht. So ist das also auch bei jedem Zeichentrickfilm, wo zuerst das Bild stimmt und die Stimme dann einfach reinpassen muss 😜 echt spannend 👍🏻

My guess is #2 is a lie! This is based on the fact that I can't imagine you rapping in a song.. but instead with the amazing vocals like Taylor Swift or something! 🎶

Haha, good guess but actually 2 is true! I was an actor for a promotional video with 2 friends, and there was also a rap part in it. But I really can’t sing 🤣🤣 number 1 is the lie!

Wow! So from starring in a commercial & recording audiobooks to Appics.. you've had quite an interesting journey 😅😊

Languages were always my passion, whether that’s reading, writing, acting, or speaking. So yeah I actually took professional training for a dubbing actor and recorded several audiobooks in the studio. That rap was the first and only I time I was ever asked to rap in front of the camera though 🤣 until today I still love languages and words and that’s what ties in with my work at APPICS as well. And #1 is the lie, because I specifically picked something everyone would fall for. I do love panda bears 🐼 but my favorite animal as a kid was the dolphin 🐬

One is lie. I'm right? 😶

number #1 is a lie.

Actually I never saw the video 😅 I went to the shoot, I got paid as an actor, but they ended up telling us that the commercial wouldn’t be published 🤷🏻‍♀️ but the rap was in German and the lyrics were really bad 🤣🤣 so it’s better this way!

Awww little panda 🐼 😍👏 ( I thought 3 is wrong but I really would have liked to see the video of two 😁👏😂)

What #1 is a lie? Never hahaha I remember your post from 5.02.19 😂 but okay 😊

Number 3

Its the number "one" is a lie

I used to actually have a favorite panda 🐼 when I was young. This is not a lie for me 😂

The audio book one. Numba 3


2 is true 😁 1 is the lie!

Great ummmmmaaahhhh

My guess will be number 2😇

2 is actually true! 🎶 🎙 number 1 is the lie 😇

#my3facts....fact 1 was a lie

I think 2 is lie 😬😬

Good question good Competition

Number 2😂😀

I should thank you for guiding and helping me to enter to this beautiful community
Thank you❤

Kind of Late an the answer is already here but I was right 😂 🐼

Lovely jani😘😍

I want to hear you rap now. That's so cool to learn. Did you rap in German or English?

I am new user on Appic I hope this good platform 👍