... Appics Referral Program-u za prošli mesec osvojili su ExYu ambasadori @atimkaranezi93 & @feanor11. 🎉
Nagrada je delegacija na mesec dana od ukupno 80k APX coina. Ova delegacija nam omogućava da podržimo naše ljude sa još
većim nagradama.
Smatramo ovo kao zajednički uspeh cele zajednice jer svako je učestvovao na neki način. Želimo da vam se zahvalimo za podršku
i naglasimo kako smo ponosni što je naša regija izvor profila sa kvalitetnim i originalnim sadržajem. Samo tako nastavite ljudi,
zajedno do Meseca! :)
Svako od vas može da učestvuje u mesečnom referal programu, pretenduje na prva tri mesta i glavne nagrade. Kako učestvovati?
Koristite link ref.appics.com/?ref=YOURUSERNAME, umesto YOURUSERNAME stavite svoje korisničko ime. Program traje konstantno,
obračunava se se učinak od 15. do 15. u mesecu i proglašavaju pobednici.
Greetings sisters and brothers! We have nice news for our family. 🤳 🙏 🌟
Winners of the first and second place in Appics Referral Program for the past month are ExYu ambassadors @atimkaranezi93 & @feanor11. 🎉
The reward is 80k APX coin delegation in total, for one month. This delegation will help us to support and promote our people with bigger rewards.
We consider this as a mutual success of the whole community because everyone participated in some way. We want to thank you for your support
and emphasize how proud we are that our region is a source of profiles with quality and original content. Keep it up guys, together to the Moon!
Each of you can participate in the monthly referral program, claim one of the first three places and the main prizes. How to participate?
Use the link ref.appics.com/?ref=YOURUSERNAME to enter your username instead of YOURUSERNAME. The program runs constantly, performance from
the 15th to the 15th of the month is calculated and the winners are announced. 🤳 🙏 🌟