La manera más sencilla en que puedo explicar los estímulos del arte es: Como cuando ...

in hive-142013 •  5 years ago 

... comes algo que te recuerda el sabor de la comida que preparaba tu madre, porque seguro la prepararon de la misma manera. Así mismo una buena obra de arte nos puede estar contando compositivamente las mismas historias que el universo ha contado desde antes del big bang.
¡Charaaaaan! No se pierda el siguiente capítulo que tenemos muchas mas reflexiones del tema por compartir.

*It is said that a work of Art is not the work of an Artist, those of us who practice art do not invent it, we only know it.

Hello, I am Ronald Díaz and I am very happy to be in this Network where I will share with you my experience and reflections on the subject that I am passionate about, art. Sorry for my ingles

If you ask several people their opinion of what art is, the most common answer will surely be that it is the expression of feelings, and if you investigate the definitions that have been provided throughout history from Plato to the present day passing through the artists of the different periods will notice that the thing is more complicated because they are very diverse and abstract definitions.

If Art is expression, then we are quoting a language, because only through languages ​​can we express ourselves (Types of language), and what do we express?

  • Art is the code of composition of the universe, manifested from galaxies to subatomic particles, which is materialized through languages ​​of expression by those who consciously or unconsciously know it.
    Artists materialize this code through languages ​​of expression, such as: music, painting, dance, theater, gastronomy, cinema, architecture, photography, and many other languages ​​that we recognize over time.*

Regardless of the language in which the artist expresses himself, and the way, whether abstract or figurative, every work of art is composed with: balances, contrasts, harmonies, rhythm, mathematics, relationships, transitions and many other less evident principles.
A materialized work that has not been composed with these concepts should not be called Art, and before the eyes jump from your face we can analyze Why.
A noise is not the same as a sound, a composition of random noises does not generate stimuli that are pleasant to the ear, the same happens with other languages ​​of expression and the other senses.
Until now we have only described how the artist materializes the work by expressing himself, now let us note that the expression and interpretation of the work occurs through the senses, since it is through the Ear, sight, touch, taste and smell that we perceive not only art but also all reality.
So we have that art produces positive stimuli to the senses. When we feel a good work of art, the brain is responsible for producing serotonin, the chemical that gives us that feeling of pleasure, and this is due to the close relationship between the composition of the work that we are appreciating and the universe that is the work of which we are part.


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Bienvenido! Se que te va a gustar, disfruta esta una aventura 🔥💕

gracias, estoy seguro que si, contento de compartir mi pasion por aca

Wow! Amazing 🙌 Welcome to the Appics family! Great to have you here! ☺️

thaks, im really happy

Bienvenido a Appics


Holaaa Ronald 😊 !! Bienvenido a APPICS tu con toda tu arte 😘🤗.

yupiiiii, gracias again vic por la invitación

Se que la disfrutaras al 💯💣💥😃