"Alone you are a drop but, together you're an ocean" A senior engineer in a steel ...

in hive-142013 •  5 years ago 

... industry told me this quote during my internship in a steel plant in 2018. Regardless of how advanced we are in technology, if people didn't work as a team, it will result in a failure. This applies for different aspects in our life. This is very applicable to any business or work that we're doing.

There is a famous story about teamwork -
"A father was vexed of his sons fighting and quarreling daily. One day, he takes them to a forest and asks them to find a branch. Each son finds a branch. He then asks them to break it. The sons were able to break the branch easily. The father then asks them to get bunch of branches and asks the sons to break them. This time the sons couldn't break the branches.
Father says " Just like these branches, if you are alone, you'll break easily. If you stick together, you'll be strong."

This picture always reminds me of that story and quote reminding the amazing things that we could do if we work together as a team!


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Well said buddy! Which Steel plant did you intern in??

Thank you! It was Vishakapatnam Steel plant in Andhra Pradesh 😄

Ohh! Cool 😎👍🏻