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안녕하세요 cancerdoctor님

좋은 하루 보내세요!!


This is lovely! I will learn the Korean alphabet at some point for sure!!

[US$48.50](▼31%)[illy]★큐텐 최저가!!★일리 100캡슐/야콥스 100캡슐/돌체구스토 108캡슐/스타벅스 120캡슐 네스프레소 호환 캡슐★무료배송★


can't wait for the mooning🚀🚀

🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽Let’s go!!

Gone to the moon

Hi doctor, I wanna know to avoid cancer phobia#? ANy tips?

Wow! I would love $195 in rewards!
Well done you!

기원합니다. -()()()-

Wow how cool!