How to best make friends? Deliver free food! Hey Appics Fam! I know this community ...

in hive-142013 •  5 years ago 

... strives on the right attitude and inspiration, so I want to promote an Initiative here in Germany against wasting food. Look it up @ Today I spontaneously jumped in as a foodsbarer at our bakery. Otherwise they would have had to dump the 7 boxes of Bread and goodies. In summer they have less customers so this is the amount ONE little bakery throws away DAILY . Crazy, right? My job is to make sure somebody eats it so its not wasted, and many people I know profit from it 😜 This time I gave some to friends helping at a summer camp, a couple of families, my workplace, students... It was a huge amount and I am always happy when I get rid of all of it.
I would love to pass it on to you guys too. 😉 enjoy what you have!


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Merci, kannst mal nachschauen ob es das auch in deiner Stadt gibt. Ich find es echt cool!

Gibts 😀 Hab Freunde die da ziemlich aktiv sind, dadurch bin ich da etwas involviert. Zurzeit eher noch passiv, aber mal schauen...

Geeeil! Cool, nen Foodsharer aus nem ganz anderen Bezirk hier zu treffen. Man vergisst schnell wie groß die Initiative ist, den Meisten Leuten darf ich es erklären 😅

Tatsächlich sehr schön, ist ja auch eine absolut sinnvolle Sache 😀

Wenn du Leidenschaft dafür entdeckst findest du auch Zeit. Aber man sucht sich seine Plätze ajs, wo man den Unterschied macht den man sich wünscht.

This is so awesome! What fantastic innitiative!, Go You!! 🍞🥐🥖🥯

Thank you Karen, I am so relieved that so many people came to take the bread 😅 love how happy they are! In Canada do the shops give their food away too?

No they are not allowed to just give away to people like that in Canada, but they can donate to our local food banks for distribution!🥰👍

Jup, just like that doesn't work here too. That's why it's an Initiative that only saves food where they don't already give it to donation. And there is still so much of it.