I have come to discover that whenever i walks along the road, 5 person, less or more comments on a particular part of my body which is my hair and this
happens virtually everyday unless my hair is plaited that they can't see it but once it's not, but packed, people tends to admire it.
Most ladies even calls me back to ask what I apply to it and tells me they want theirs to be like mine; the one that
happened yesterday was that , on my
way out , a young girl said "aaahhh aunty You're slaying us with your hair
ooo "; she has not been the only one saying it but that's the recent and same comment from others; I just had
to smile and wave at her.
Most times they ask how long i have
nurtured the hair and when I tell
them it's 2years, they get amazed, how a natural hair (virgin hair) would be this
long without relaxer applied to it ;
when some persons have grown theirs for over 4-5years without much result.
Some men or guys gets attracted to me because of my hair and so on
and forth.
It's been said every lady is beautiful, depending on where your
own beauty lies; it can be your
teeth, your mouth smell; because
I've found out that most facial
beautiful ladies have mouth odour, so
their own beauty is on the
face, while some still have ugly faces
but their mouth smells nice (good breath), while some girls would still
have nice legs and body shape but rough faces and bad body odour.
You might not be facially beautiful
but look deep down , they must be a part of you people admires or part of you that keeps people
comfortable around you.
Discover that part work on it and
build your self esteem with it,
stop being timid because you think
nobody sees you or because
you're not beautiful.
Every lady is beautiful in their own
way unless you've traded your own
And incase you want to know what
grows my hair this fast, drop your
comment and i will sure respond to you, kisses(..dims eye with smile..)