...guten Appetit!...hoffe ihr habt auch so viel Glück und werdet bekocht....hier ...

in hive-142013 •  5 years ago 

... hat #andalusier eines unser Lieblingsessen seit der Kindheit kredenzt: fischstäbchen, butterkartoffel und gemischtes Gemüse...saulecker!!!....schönen Abend euch allen.......bon appetit!..hope you’re as Lucky as i am and somebody is cooking for you...here #andalusier served us one of our favorite dishes since the childhood: fried fish sticks, buttered potatoes and mixed vegetables....delicious!..have a nice evening everybody..... enjoy....


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Lasst es euch schmecken 😄

..danke, war lecker..schönen Tag dir..enjoy..

looking delicious

..indeed, it was...👍😁..

Sorry for the delay... Fish Finger One of my favorite foods too. 🤓 Good Luck 🍀


You can't go wrong with fish sticks 🐠😎 My kids love to eat this exact plate you have made too

..haha, guess almost every kid...and in this case I’ll stay kid forever...enjoy...