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So there are two then , should have said so. I would see it being in her glasses but I also see a not so obvious one in the bottom right but you have to really use your imagination to see it.

Imagination is one of our strongest things ... train your mindset and you will never have some issues ... you will always find a way!

I see it directly in the middle and the tip is stabbing her in the neck lol 🤣

Not 100% retry it :)

bottom right 🤔


A big one in the middle/left and a smaller one on the bottom right 😊👌🏼

Nice .... :) yes yes yes ... upvote is coming

Bottom right and a large one in the middle.👍🤩

Yes :) 👍👍👍👍


Everybody who type the correct answer, gets an 100% upvote on his last post

One more follower to 200 😍😍😍😍

To0 bad it resets after launch on the new chain. But imagine and you will find the way.

I know .... but this is my little goal for this Plattform in this short time :) .... and I'm so excited about the launch and what new dates will come

Yes it's not that big a deal most will refollow us eventually. I'm excited too it's going to be great.