3 FACTS | about me ✨Before I moved to Barcelona I lived in Berlin and worked as a ...

in hive-142013 •  5 years ago 

... landscape architect project managing public spaces for the Berlin senate
✨I started to share my life on social media on the STEEM blockchain using D.tube and APPICS. I never signed up on Facebook or any other conventional site. I created my Instagram account for verification purpose and onboarding others to APPICS
✨I prefer baking over cooking and won the heart of my wife with some self-made millionaires short-bread

What about you? What are your 3 facts about yourself?
Let's follow the movement, initiated by @lonistellina and let's get to know each other even better.
Looking forward reading all you facts under #my3facts
Happy Sunday dear APPICS family👋🏻


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Hey nice to know some groovy 😎 points on you bro. My 3 factoids are up... Warning ⚠️ may be tmi.

Landscape architect!!! Man I need you... I need some tips .. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

sure thing👊🏼lets connect and tell me what you need to know✌🏻

super cool facts 😁👍

love yours as well, will comment now🤙🏼

OK, dann dann muss ich auch weiter ausholen 😜
How lucky that you prefer baking! That was probably your greatest happiness in life ! 😍 Das hat dir sicherlich viele Pluspunkte gegeben 👍
Ich finde es super dass du auf kommerzielle Social media Kanäle verzichtet hast! Beste Entscheidung 😊
Bist du etwa ein waschechter Berliner?
Mich würde es noch interessieren, wieso ausgerechnet Barcelona 😁 aber das kommt ja vielleicht in dem nächsten Posting wenn es dann heißt : 7 facts about me

You lived in Germany before😀, that's cool. i am really impressed to read fact number 2❤. I will write about my 3facts on next post😉.

looking forward to your #my3facts✌🏻

Cool challenge. Stored it so I won’t forget to participate sometime next fee days. The food thing also works with women, not only men! Cool, didnt had that experience tet; Maybe I’m just bad at it 🙃 From Berlin to Barça: That is a big change, though somehow these cities have similarities as well, like the large groups of alternative sub cultures.

yes indeed, both cities are very similar, made it easier for me. a move to Sevilla for example would have been more drastic, as Barcelona is not really spanish and more international with lots of sub cultures like you said✌🏻


🙏🏼cheers... what are your #my3facts?

Thats some cool information my friend, I also love baking!

as we all can see, your posts are mouth watering🤤👏🏻👋🏻

Wow.. Good To Know. Kindly Follow Back

what are your #my3facts?

Do you speak Spanish?

si, un poquito🤘🏻

I also joined this challenge and I've got to know stuffs about people here. How's life in Barcelona?

Hahahah! Fact 3 cracked me up! I better start learning how to bake to win someone's heart! Nice one sir! Loved your 3facts!

sehr cool😍 finde es bewundernswert wenn man backen kann😅das geht bei mir grundsätzlich schief! 🙏

die meisten credits gehn da an meine Mom, die hat mich frühzeitig in den Küchendienst berufen und dann meine Fähigkeiten im Backen auszuweiten war notwendig da ich n verdammt großen süßen Zahn habe der ständig danach fragt😂