SWIMMING LESSONS | with my little princess. It is always impressive to see, how much ...

in hive-142013 •  5 years ago 

... faster girls learn and develop over boys. My son learned swimming last year when he was 4 years old. Somehow I have the feeling that this little beauty will swim this summer with just 2 years.
I am so proud of her how fearless she jumps into the water and how she refuses to wear the float. All she except is the pool noodle.
How is your Monday going legends?🤙🏻


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Wow! brave girl ....i can't swim ... she is only two but she can really impressive ....my monday going as usual not good not bad

That is so sweet😊

Thats interestimg

children in general are so different! Fascinating though, from what I know science preaches that the motorical development is faster in boys and girls are faster with language and fine tune motor senses like writing. Anyhow, every child is special and individual and I'd be exited too if she can swim soon. :)

How come You are more tanned than me???

So sweet..😍😍😎😎

Brave girl..Just goes on you 😍😍

Quality time 🙏🏽

Cycle lesson to son, swimming lesson to daughter.. Ideal father 🤗

Use whatever tools are at your disposal.....legs will work.

She’s surely brave 🧡😍