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Is this some kind of experiment you got on the photo my dear, without reading your caption at first i thought it was a food

Yes it is food😊. Its cashew with waterkefir mixed and it becomes yoghurt😋

Oh yeah i was right coz it looks delicious for me my dear haha. Have a lovely time 😘

They only can rule the world if we let them 💯😉

Would be an interesting conversation🤔

you got the point ;)


Was war das einmal ? verrückt 🤔

Ist ein Joghurt aus Wasserkefir und Cashew, einmal durchrühren und es ist geniessbar👍🏻🤪

das ändert vieles 😅 lecker 😋 hätte ich jetzt nicht erwartet!

yeh 100% right 👍

Testy food

True words 💯