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Your favourite Disney land ❤️

Ohhhh so close, but it is not exactly Disneyland but since your are so close
I'll give you a 50% upvote for being so close.
Thanks for guessing.

I'm guessing Universal Studio's or Disney Land👍🥰

Disneyland is not correct but very very close. Thanks for the guess though.

Somewhere in California for sure!🤣😂 Thanks for the upvote!👍👍👍

Disney Land? 😅 Miami? 😅

Oh so close. But it's not exactly Disneyland but very close.
Nice try though it, thanks for guessing. 😎🤙

San Francisco

Oh no, it's san fran , but it's based upon a town that is also well know in California.

Thanks for guessing though.





No but thanks for the guess.

Good shot👌👌👌

Thanks 😊👍

Beautiful view

Truest of this fact. ✌️😉