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Very beautiful studio 👌 Do you do cinematography?

Thanks I do some yes, but not alot lately. I have been focusing on my next album and a few other things.

Continue. Blessings for you

Congrats bro🔥🔥 And dopeee room fam

Thanks bro appreciate you fam. Stay awesome my man.

I appreciate YOU bro Thanks I will bro :)

Congratulations 🎉🎉... Nice studio 👌

Hey thanks appreciate it.

How cool! 4th position! Next time number 1 for sure 😉

Haha thanks bro, that would be virtually impossible 😂 considering what I taught ajinkyajagtap to do 😉👍🍻 I have tried to match it and fall short everytime. But it's all good no worries. We are all together keeping Appics fun and active. Good days are coming. We will be looking to test the new dapp on telos around new years if the projection is on target. Thanks for stopping by.

Oww cool about Telos. I was already wondering what the status is. Saw Appics mentioned on Telos website already for some time. What is a good place to trade APX? Steem Engine doesnt seem to be well integrated with Appics wallet. Or is that still the service to use to control and tx from/to Appics wallet?&

Steem engine is the only place active at the moment they will be taking the snapshot soon. No official date but it's very close. We got a sneak peek at the sign up process and how it will look, an yea totally an instagram killer when it launches world wide.

Never learn other the trick of the trade; How often did history showed us the teacher becomes the taught by his/her own pupils? Not that I master the art of not informing other the trade secrets 🤣🤣🤣

Yea well he asked I shared and it went from there we are all family anyhow so it doesn't matter much. But that's how we all learn and thrive together.

Agree! 😉

Really beautiful my friend❤️

Thanks ☺️👍

Hi, I can see that you are doing well here on Steem. If you want to do even better, please try our Upvote service. Take a look at our latest post. We need more members 😉

Congratulations buddy!

Thanx you too