Hello friends🙂☀ Your frontpage on your cell phone often reflects a part of your ...

in hive-142013 •  4 years ago 

... own personality.

Besides Appics, it is also important to me to have the Bitcoin rate in view every day and this in Yellow, because it is my favorite color. Since Hamburg is my favorite city, I also want to see how the weather is in the north compared to the south. For 'googling' I like to use 'Ecosia' for web search, as it plants trees for a certain number of searches and is therefore sustainable for me.
The four apps next to Appics are free language apps.
Unfortunately, I'm anything but language savvy. While many women are said to be able to learn languages more easily, it's just the opposite for me. I am better at logical, analytical thinking and therefore tend to be better at memorizing numbers, dates and facts than words.
Therefore, in the fast access also the calculator🤣
Still, I don't give up and look at a word in a foreign language once a day.

So now it's your turn! Show me your front page! Which apps do you use on the front page and why? Do they reflect parts of your personality?😅

⬜Use the # apxfrontpage for this

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Danke, dass du diese Challenge initiierst.. Musste erst mal schauen, was auf meiner Frontpage meines Hauptsmartphones ist.. ist total langweilig, weil ich die meisten Apps nach Logik auf weiteren Seiten zusammengefasst habe..🤔 Aber deine sieht total interessant aus - und das mit den Sprachen inspiriert mich geradezu.. 👍😍

Sehr cool🤩

haha that´s a quite nice frontpage on a mobile the colors are not mine I love more the dark colored reds and blue ones and yes also the yellow ones but more in form of the sun. That Bitcoin feature is nice will try this also on mine, because otherwise I had to open an app extra that´s wasting of time.
I´m more organized in traveling from A to B and therefor I got the focus on those apps what help me stay on time with my schedule ;)

Ok. I'll show it very soon.

Yee. I always enjoy your this type of challenge. I appreciate your job. I'll join here tomorrow at 12.00 of BD time. But if you want then I can join here today.

I have been to augsburg for a technical meeting at MAN. It was a quiet and nice place.

good shot

Vai, good shot? Seriously? "Appics Bangladesh" community are doing best but don't try to destroy our works by this type of comments. Try to understand what the author said & read the caption. Try to stop this type of comments cz it will waste our reputation. 🙂

Yeah!! Bitcoin is going to the moon!

I will definitely show you my front page ☺️

good job

Wow good job

yeh obviously 😇 but i always keep my smartphone's front page simple and clear 😎 All important apps in my second smartphone's second page like Appics,Binance,Trustwallet,Safepallwallet and Chrome 😍

ok mam just wait and see 😇

Wait and see what?

opps sorry mam I didn't understand who I was commenting on because of net problems 😒

Yeaah.... I have already done with this hashtag 🤙🤟

Bonne travaille mademoiselle;)

#apxfrontpage done chek it mm 😇

will definitely join this 👍

Sehr interessant, habe gleich mal mitgemacht 📱

I also use ecosia, to plant some trees while searching😊