Morning view from top of Cowles Mountain. we left home a little after 6 to get an ...

in hive-142013 •  4 years ago 

... early start. My daughter wants to hike all 5 peaks for her Birthday. I will go with her- but I am slower. For my Birthday, we are going to hike the 5 peaks again at my pace 👍


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How long does it take to go up and down all of them?

I think my daughter can hike it in 8 to 9 hours. It might take me a bit longer. We have to map out which approach we are going to take- and if we are going to drive to the trail heads or walk them... For now, we are timing each peak.

Wow that is a very long hiking day, better to splitt in two days.

Take your time no rush enjoy the journey...

We will. Training is a big part of the joy...

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