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Great catch 🥰

🙏😍 Thank you 🤗 .. Vielleicht können wir uns ja nach Corona mal in Berlin oder drum herum treffen?!😂

This in incredible! It is a dream of mine to see a hedgehog in the wild! 🦔💗

🤗Well, we've got dozens coming out each sunset in out terraced housing estate.. they live in the foliage and below our shed. 😍

Aww, I love hedgehogs.💗 The last time I saw a very tiny hedgehog about two months ago, but didn't manage to photograph him.

🤔😉 Most of the time I sit on the terrace with the camera in one hand and a Caipi in the other.. 😂 So it's quite easy to get those shots...😎

Perfect captured 👍😘


Stunning photography 🥰


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