Hey everybody :) I am currently in preparation for my last exam in my bachelor ...

in hive-142013 •  5 years ago 

... studies (Field theory to be precise). I am slowly trying to tackle the topic from various angles to get the "groove" going. What you see in the picture is just some basic applications of the so called levi-civita-symbol, an invention to easier calculate cross products and stuff like that.

The goal for the exam is always a 1.x, but to be honest I would be happy with just a 2.x (the German grading system goes from 1.0 to 5.0 with 1.0 being the best and 5.0 being a fail). So let's see what I can do :) Wish me luck 🍀 and send me some good vibes so that I can rock this exam 💪


Powered by APPICS - visit us at appics.com%20%0A%0AI%20am%20currently%20in%20preparation%20for%20my%20last%20exam%20in%20my%20bachelor%20studies%20(Field%20theory%20to%20be%20precise).%20I%20am%20slowly%20trying%20to%20tackle%20the%20topic%20from%20various%20angles%20to%20get%20the%20%22groove%22%20going.%20What%20you%20see%20in%20the%20picture%20is%20just%20some%20basic%20applications%20of%20the%20so%20called%20levi-civita-symbol,%20an%20invention%20to%20easier%20calculate%20cross%20products%20and%20stuff%20like%20that.%20%0A%0AThe%20goal%20for%20the%20exam%20is%20always%20a%201.x,%20but%20to%20be%20honest%20I%20would%20be%20happy%20with%20just%20a%202.x%20(the%20German%20grading%20system%20goes%20from%201.0%20to%205.0%20with%201.0%20being%20the%20best%20and%205.0%20being%20a%20fail).%20So%20let's%20see%20what%20I%20can%20do%20:)%20Wish%20me%20luck%20%F0%9F%8D%80%20and%20send%20me%20some%20good%20vibes%20so%20that%20I%20can%20rock%20this%20exam%20%20%F0%9F%92%AA&category=purpose&hashtags=palnet+steemit+appics+lifestyle&author=mrconquer&profileImageUrl=https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/appics-content/profileImages/3760-1581087746467-640&permlink=appics-v1-appics-im-232259)

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Heyhey, hab mal deine posts durchgesehen und muss sagen: mir gefällt dein Content! Vor allem Respekt für dein Studium, hast du schon die Ergebnisse? Und Respekt für deine Strebsamkeit mit deinen Fitnesszielen und dem Studieren und was noch so deine Leidenschaften sind... Bin gespannt, was du noch so teilst 😉👍🏻