The sign at the top right says: To be given away Nice concept. βœ¨πŸ™πŸ₯° Have you ever ...

in hive-142013 β€’Β  4 years agoΒ 

... had something second hand? It has a completely different feeling, as if you were giving the object the chance to live on. ✨


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Reduce, reuse, recycle!!πŸ₯°βœ¨

Indeed a nice one.. that thought of giving it to other people instead of putting it to waste

So true! πŸ’―

Β  Β· Β 4 years agoΒ 

Yep, nice ideaπŸ’―

I can barely ever walk past those signs cos it's so interesting. And that one is neatly decorated

I spend some minutes looking at this, very sweet decorated 😍