Your Ability Speak - I Did My Best

in hive-142013 •  5 years ago 


A few days ago in a movie I watch title the Last Ship from my laptop. This man the captain of the ship saved the lives of twenty-two people during the hit of missile by their enemy on the sea; he swam out after them, one by one, and brought them all alive.




He fainted away from exhaustion, and when he recovered consciousness, his first words were, “Boys, did I do my Best?” The word of this captain express the great question that should urge every true seeker after Success to so live and act that he may be able to answer it in the affirmative. It is not so much a question of “did I do so much,” or “did I do as much as someone else?” as it is matter of “DID I DO MY BEST?”



The man who does his best is never a failure. He is always a success, and if the best should be but a poor pretty thing, still the world will place the laurel wreath of victory upon his brow when he accomplish it.

The one who does his best is never a QUITTER or a SHIRKER, he stays right on his job until he has bestowed upon it the very best that there is in him to give at that particular time. Sure a man can never be a failure. The man does his best is never asking the pessimistic question, (What’s the Use?) He doesn’t care a whole lot about that part of it. His mind fixed upon the idea that he is “on his job”, and not going to be satisfied with anything less than his Best.

And when one really is able to answer the great question with an honest – Yes, I did my Best,” then verily, he will be able to answer the (What’s the Use) question properly, it is of use to have brought out the best work in oneself, if for no other reason than because it is a man making process... a developer of the self.


This infernal (what’s the Use) question seems to have invented by some pessimistic imp of darkness to use in discouraging people making desperate struggles or leading forlorn hopes. It has brought down many into the mire of despondency and failure. Chase it out of your mind whenever it appears, and replace it with the question Am I doing My Best knowing that an affirmative answer settles the other question also. Anything is Of Use if it is in the right spirit, in a worthy cause, and because one’s own manhood demands it. Yes, even if one goes down to death in the doing of it still it is a Success.

The Caucasian have a favorite proverb that says: “Heroism is endurance between the “QUITTER” and the man who has “DONE HIS BEST”


Hope you reading this have so much to say that you have done your bestml; could be in your family, among friends, business associate etc. Be inspired and keep on doing your BEST.

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