The sustainable way to move around town when it’s too hot outside to bicycle. I’m ...

in hive-142013 •  4 years ago 

... a huge fan of BOLT, Lime, splash and all the wonderful alternatives to taxi we got lately. I can almost feel the air getting cleaner by the day :)


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Sort Order: who voted; do you actually see the video? Doesn’t show for me, just sound :(

nope, nothing to see on my side either. the voters might be auto votes, some set those up so the votes get out regardless of what was actually posted. not a fan of it but that part of the technology😅

Now the more interesting question is why does it show black when I upload it? When creating the post I saw the video.

yep, as it is not the first video you uploaded. what is as well interessting is that your 3facts video isnt visible anymore on my side. some days ago it was. let me adress that to the team. can you tell me what phone ur using? ios or android? and if android which brand? cheers

I’m on iOS. iPhone SE. I see my three facts video still and now I could upload the new video again after editing 1 second out of it. Maybe that helps your team bug track :)

cheers, usually every video under 60secs should be fine on ios. will check with the dev team