... mysteriously murdered and his house set ablaze.
286 years later, his work explains why taxpayers get only a stimulus check of $600 while corporations get billions.
Here's Cantillon Effect, Inequality, and Bitcoin 👇🏽
Cantillon Effect:
“when money is created, it doesn't affect all areas of the economic spectrum equally.”
Translate to 2020: when the Federal Reserve prints money, it doesn't benefit the average person the same way that it benefits wealthy people, banks, and corporations.
New money first hits the hands of the wealthy, and they buy assets like stocks, real estate, etc. 🏦🤑
Middle-class are furthest away and benefit the least, and sometimes even nothing.
But still need to pay higher prices for goods because creating new money causes inflation.
(inflation means your money loses value )
The poor get poorer, while money inflation makes the rich richer.
Printing new money under a fiat system increases wealth inequality. ⚖️❌
Where does Bitcoin fit in?
Well, Bitcoin won't fix all wealth inequality or end poverty,
but it's a much fairer system than what currently exists....
-It has a fixed supply that can't arbitrarily be created or distributed.✅
-It's controlled by code, not self-serving politicians.✅
-Besides so will humanity for the first time in history have a money who can’t be devalued by inflation.✅
“inflation is theft don’t let politician devalue your saving without your consent !!” 👁