BAKERS DREAM 🤩- long sought and finally found🙏 - high quality flour directly from ...

in hive-142013 •  5 years ago 

... the mill packed in larger quantities - very close to where i work😊. I haven't been here for the last time. are there still any mills where you live?


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Wow! That's a whole lot of flour 😍 .. i bet you can bake as many bread for me hehe. Well, here in my place i haven't seen place like that yet but i think we may have one coz we have a lot of bakeries here hehe. Good day to you my friend 😉

you're right, i couldn't resist and bought flour for many many weeks😁. this was the first shop of this kind i've see in my area. maybe you'll also be lucky one day😊.

..ya, slowly this kind of shops are coming Berlin we have one since about 10-12years..‘mehlstübchen‘, check it out...they’re selling flour from grains may you’ve never heard about..enjoy...

you're right. more and more shops are finding their way back to a diverse range of original types and tastes😊. back to the roots 🤙


super, dass es immer mehr solcher Läden gibt! In Hamburg gibt es auch mehrere "Unverpackt-Läden" und man muss eigene Behältnisse mitnehmen, wenn man dort einkauft! Ich mache mit bei der zerowastechallenge😃!

bei uns gibts nur einen (zu) kleinen unverpackt laden. wir haben auch begonnen, in den "normalen" läden zb käse in eigene behältnisse abpacken zu lassen, mittlerweile kennen die uns😂. cool, dass du in der challenge mitmachst🙏.

In welcher Stadt lebst du?

🇨🇭 rapperswil 😎